Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bazi Daily - 04/03/2011

Again, we are on the same case :)

辛  辛  戊  壬  (female)

卯  丑  申  子

41   31   21  11
甲  乙  丙  丁
辰  巳  午  未

We have identified the theoretical aspects of factors that contributed to her marital status (ie Single).  

As the analysis of Bazi is surrounded & to help the Day Master (if possible), it is insufficient by merely identify the theoretical factors. 

By saying that Water preventing Fire (ie spouse star) from entering into her chart or her life does not help.

I would say that it is due to her characters & personality.    WHO can and want to share with us by examining her personality.   By doing so, we can help her more readily :)

What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?
- George Eliot


LadyGaga said...

Hi Master Goh,

Let me try:
1.Her personality/characteristics:

a)No Fire= does not like to be controlled, does not follow conventional way of behaving, disregards husband/power’s influence.
b)YP could be the culprit – sharp tongue?(eg. Ren= Shang Guan, Zi=jiang xing)
c)Xin Chou = Hua Gai = love of solitude, loner.
d)Wu LP=her academic star= study period, no time for boyfriend? (With a clash, in real life did she do well in study, Master Goh?)
e)Si LP=void , Si Shen = water……shang guan!

2.She would fare better in landing a mate by being:

a)less willful,
b)more tactful,
c)more sociable,
d)more amiable/approachable,
e)more feminine, and “less choosy”(no one is perfect!)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Well done!!!

You are really good :)

What have we learned from this instance?

Mere identification of theoretical factors (ie clashes & combinations) contributing to failure in marriages does not help much. It is only for our own satisfaction.

It is only when we are able identify the 'hard truth' of it, we can then readily help the person sitting in front of us...

WELL DONE, LadyGaga. Keep it up!

If you can read Chinese, go to search for more books :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Master Goh

I have this female Bazi chart
Geng Wu Ding Gui
Shen Wu Si Chou

34 24 14
xin geng Ji
You Shen Wei

There is no Wood (spouse star)
She left home at earlier age (probably the clash of year pillar chou and wei).
She married mid 20 and divorced after 3 years. Have two children (custody by ex husband).
Subsequently remarried and have a child. Lately her husband diagnosed lung cancer.
In this instance, how do we analysis her affinity with spouse star.

Thanks and regards

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Thanks for sharing such a wonderful case for our learning, though it is sad to hear about what your friend had encountered.

庚 戊 丁 癸
申 午 巳 丑

34 24 14 4
辛 庚 己 戊
酉 申 未 午

In the natal chart, there is no presence of Spouse Star at all (not even in the Hidden Heavenly Stems). But, that does not mean that she/he would remain single.'

The implication of such is that the affinity with husband is poor (夫妻缘薄).

Let's look at her luck cycle, the luck cycle seems to play a fool with her - her luck cycles are the journey of Strong Metal. Metal is the element that further damaging the wood :(

This is especially so when she entered into the luck cycle of Xin You where it forms Si-You-Chou 3 combinations :(

Though there are authors & books claimed that we can investigate the types of illnesses suffered by our close relatives from our bazi, but I am quite reserved on it.

BUT, in this instance, the STRONG METAL controls weak Wood (Spouse Star) & metal happen to represent Lung :(

Once again, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Dear Master Goh

Thank you for your analysis of chart. I am able to see that the strong metal that causes the upheavel of her life.
Can I say that :
1. Year 2011 Xin Mao,mao clashes with you and the Luck cycle Xin you, the strength of metal is still very strong.
I suppose water is the remedial element to deplete the strength of metal.(am I correct?)
Being a "amateur Bazi reader" what advice can be given to her ?

Thank You.


"Whether people are beautiful or plain, friendly or cruel, ultimately they are human beings just like oneself. Like oneself, they want happiness and do not want suffering. Furthermore, their right to overcome suffering and to be happy is equal to one's own.
(His Holiness The Dalai Lama)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


The current year of 辛卯 clashes with her 10 Year Luck Cycle (辛酉) :(

Mao is the Spouse Star, theoretically it is being 'injured severely'. The health of her health seem...

Fire represents input & religion. Fire is the favorable element to her. Perhaps, seeking help to religious bodies :)

LadyGaga said...

Master Goh, your compliments made my day! Thank you for encouragement. The “answers” are actually all in your books. It’s just a matter of applying theories to case studies.

I have started learning Chinese. One day (in the far, far future..hahaha….), I hope to be able to read Chinese Bazi books!

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to read all your future publications! I enjoyed your books very much. I want more!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Master Goh,

We have long read your work today and came across a very important subject for us.
We really need your help, this topic is very exciting for one of us and only you can explain.

1. 2002 year - met my future husband, 2006 year - married
2. 2009 year - Divorce

I have a lot of fans, admirers, but none of them appeals to me.
Why? What's wrong? that prevents me to meet a loved one?

lady 09.11.1979

壬 庚 乙 己
午 辰 亥 未

40 30 20 10
己 戊 丁 丙
卯 寅 丑 子

In what year did I have a chance to marry? Useful to me the fire (marriage star)?

p.s. have doubts about an hour, (Ukraine, Odessa 65000, 11:45 AM)

Thank you in advance!
Ukrainian BA ZI students

Anonymous said...

20-30 was your best chance, perhaps.

Your boyfriend/husband star is favourable to you in general, in that authority is favourable to you.

Eating God structure - complacent and pleasure seeking - should seize opportunities.

But star in spousal palace is not good - may attract wrong sort.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....