Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bazi Daily - 10/01/2011


Wood person born in the month of Mao (ie yin wood) is considered to be strong. It would be good to have metal in the chart to counteract the strong wood energy.

Similarly, we can apply the same concept to the other DM.

For instance :

癸 甲 乙 X 
X  X 卯 申   

The exercise of an extraordinary gift is the supremest pleasure in life.
 Mark Twain


weikee said...

Hi Master Goh,

Do you think using fire are much better? Less serious.


Wei Kee

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Does it mean there is no negative effect for a strong element to be countered?


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,
Even if there is no water in the chart? A lot of metal still can be good?
Thank you in advance,

Anonymous said...

Master Goh,

Would it be correct to say that Alzheimer disease which is related to the brain be linked to metal and water ? I have a chart of a 78 years old lady who is suffering from this disease. The sad thing is she tends to repeat herself mainly on bad memories and is also getting more and more aggressive in her relationship with close family members, thinking that all of them are trying to abandon her.

Bing Ji Ren Gui
Zi you xu you

Luck pillar is ji si.

Chart has strong metal and water and in ji si pillar metal strengthened with the Si You half metal combo. That was the period where the alzeimer started. I hope you can help clarify a few points

1. Despite the Xu in month branch, I do not think Ji DM is strong as it is too cold and fire being weakened directly by metal and water , without the protection of wood. Correct ? If so, she is Implicit Talent structure and not Competitive diety .
2. I thought that the Geng Yin year would be better since there is a half fire combo of Yin and Xu but it was not and in fact I think the aggression got even worst. I did not think that the Geng stem could have impacted the situation as jia was sitting on the branch of the year so is a case of strong jia wood while providing the fire combo, also added on to the attack on Ji and therefore the more angry / aggressive nature in 2010.?
3. With mao clashing 2 pillars this year and combining with Xu to weaken metal, is it a case of out of the frying pan into the fire ?
4. I suggested more exercise to strengthen fire but she is too frail and tire easily although sounds strong when complaining and scolding people esp the husband! (Explicit talent on stem in 2010 as well ) . I also suggested to spend time on religion for fire but she did not do it. Any other suggestions ?

Anonymous said...


I sent the email on the old Ji Earth lady but forgot to leave my initials. Sorry about that.


LadyGaga said...

Hi Master Goh,

What if You comes in Luck Pillar, is it still good for the chart? (Mao will be clashed away.)

Does Xin (small knife) has good effect on Jia wood?

Or is Geng, which comes in Luck Pillar be a much better choice?

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Indeed, I do agree with Wei Kee that fire would be the better choice.

Because Fire is to exhaust, not confronting the strong wood. As we know, confrontation means fluctuation.

Hence, even though the Metal (You) is the luck pillar (as mentioned by LadyGaga), the DM would still encounter some difficulties before attaining what he/she want. In Chinese, it is called '先难后易'.

Theoretically, Geng metal is more able to conquer the strong wood :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Thanks for sharing such a wonderful case for academic studies, though it would be hard for the family members :(

(BTW, I am currently compiling cases on illnesses for my future book on Bazi & Health. If you don't mind, can I include it in my future book as illustration? Thanks.)

First of all, I have to confess that this is my first encounter from the perspective of bazi :)

As for my understanding of Alzheimer disease, not only do them have the tendency to repeat past events and can be aggressive, they also have difficulty in controlling their body movement as well (ie difficulty of execution of movements).

It is sad to notice that the cause and progression of Alzheimer's disease are not well understood. Research indicates that the disease is normally associated with plaques and tangles in the 'brain'.

NW, you have correctly linked it to the element of metal & water :)

Water represents our brain and water has the ability of so-called producing/affecting the 'quality' of our bone.

In the theory of bazi, there is a concept known as 拱合 (read as 'gong hur'). It means the 'missing link'. Though it is missing, the impact is great.

In this bazi, where is the Gong Hur?

It is the missing link of Shen (申) Metal between Xu (戌) Earth & You (酉) Metal. Which mean to say, even though there is only the presence of You & Xu, the impact of Shen metal to form Seasonal Combination (三会) is readily present.

Hence, the overly strong metal 'BLOCK' the flow of water. Therefore, affecting the water and, therefore, the brain.

As for the difficulty of executive of movement, I would attribute to the strong metal that dong harm to the wood.

Wood represents nervous system and, hence, controls our movement. In this chart, the metal is strong enough to do harm to the wood.

Once again, thanks for sharing such as wonderful case for acedemiic study. I sincerely appreciate it :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Thanks for sharing such a wonderful case for academic studies, though it would be hard for the family members :(

(BTW, I am currently compiling cases on illnesses for my future book on Bazi & Health. If you don't mind, can I include it in my future book as illustration? Thanks.)

First of all, I have to confess that this is my first encounter from the perspective of bazi :)

As for my understanding of Alzheimer disease, not only do them have the tendency to repeat past events and can be aggressive, they also have difficulty in controlling their body movement as well (ie difficulty of execution of movements).

It is sad to notice that the cause and progression of Alzheimer's disease are not well understood. Research indicates that the disease is normally associated with plaques and tangles in the 'brain'.

NW, you have correctly linked it to the element of metal & water :)

Water represents our brain and water has the ability of so-called producing/affecting the 'quality' of our bone.

In the theory of bazi, there is a concept known as 拱合 (read as 'gong hur'). It means the 'missing link'. Though it is missing, the impact is great.

In this bazi, where is the Gong Hur?

It is the missing link of Shen (申) Metal between Xu (戌) Earth & You (酉) Metal. Which mean to say, even though there is only the presence of You & Xu, the impact of Shen metal to form Seasonal Combination (三会) is readily present.

Hence, the overly strong metal 'BLOCK' the flow of water. Therefore, affecting the water and, therefore, the brain.

As for the difficulty of executive of movement, I would attribute to the strong metal that dong harm to the wood.

Wood represents nervous system and, hence, controls our movement. In this chart, the metal is strong enough to do harm to the wood.

Once again, thanks for sharing such as wonderful case for acedemiic study. I sincerely appreciate it :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Below are some of my suggestions:-

Metal represents Worry (& aggressiveness) & Fire represents Joy.

As the metal is strong (as a result of strong metal), the DM has the tendency of being aggressive and get worry easily.

According to the theory of Controlling, Fire (ie Joy) controls Metal (ie Worry), we can try to expose her to joyous occasiions :)

Since wood represents body movement, Liver & Gall Bladder, you may want to encourage her or her family memebers to 'tap' (敲打) her Liver & Gall Bladder Meridan (胆经 & 肝经). You may want to search on the net for more information.

Anonymous said...

Dear Master Goh,

Thank you for your advise. I have informed the family accordingly. They are also happy for you to publish the chart in your book and hope it will help others with the same disease.

What are the conditions for a gong hur to happen ? Apart from 2 out of 3 EB of the same season appear in a chart, are there some other conditions it needs to fulfil as well?

Unknown said...


i too have lots of metal and water...could this chart be an indication of alzheimer disease?

(hour ---> year)
geng xi wu geng
rat si rat xu

current 10 yr pillar gui/si

thank you

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Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....