Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bazi Daily - 24/11/2010

For the next 2 days, I shall share with you on the subject of : Over restraint and reverse restraint.

Over restraint

Over restraint refers to an abnormal state in which one element among the five elements excessively restrains another element.

The order of over restraint is the same as that of inter-restraint, i.e.

= wood over restraining earth,
= earth over restraining water,
= water over restraining fire,
= fire over restraining metal,and
= metal over restraining wood.

There are two causes responsible for over restraint:

One is that one element among the five elements becomes too powerful and, in turn, excessively restrains the element that it normally restrains, damaging the normal restraint relationship between them.

For example, if wood is too powerful, it will excessively restrain earth; if water is too strong, it will excessively restrain fire.

The other is that one element among the five elements becomes weak and therefore provides the element normally restraining it a chance to excessively restrain it, damaging the normal restraint relationship between them.

For example, if earth becomes weak, it will be excessively restrained by wood; if water is weak, it will be excessively restrained by earth.

NOTE   :   It is all about RELATIVITY
Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source
of our security, guidance, wisdom, and power.

- Stephen Covey


LadyGaga said...

Hi Master Goh,

Will over restrain of an unfavourable element good? Or are you saying, in bazi chart, balance is everything, regardless of chart type....? But then, special charts are all of abnormal state.....

Eagle8 said...

Hi Master Goh,

This an example of Yi DM being over restrain by Xin and Geng.

Geng Yi Xin Ding
Chen You Hai You

2010 and 2011, more metal come to stay. Will career be good? What bad aspects to watch out for? Without water, there will be a fall?

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Yes, you are right ==> Balance is everything, with the exception to Special Chart.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


庚 乙 辛 丁
辰 酉 亥 酉

With the support from Yin & Mao wood (fav element) for the year of 2010 & 2011, I would say that the DM is better. However, there is still a clash between the Mao & You. The DM will still experience fluctuation in term of the luck.

Eagle8 said...

Hi Master Goh,

Thank you for your reply.

In terms of TCM, what will happen when Yi is clashed this badly by Xin?

庚 乙 辛 丁
辰 酉 亥 酉

Can we use Ren in Hai to bridge the clash in Heavenly Stem?

Thanks in advance.

LadyGaga said...

Hi Master Goh,

For special chart, are the missing elements usually useful to "restore balance"? Some say, whatever we never had, we won't miss....What say you?

In special chart, chi flow is most important then?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


庚 乙 辛 丁
辰 酉 亥 酉

Of course, we can use the water to bridge the clash. But, in view of the theory of proximity, the DM is surrounded by the metal. The Clash is direct & immediate. The DM need to take good care of Liver (Note : Yi wood represents Liver).

Guan Leong, GOH said...


If a chart fulfils the stringent certeria & qualified as a SPECIAL CHART, the appearance of 'unwanted' element(s) is considered to be disastrous.

When the water temperature is extremely low, it burns.

When the fire is extremely hot, pouring water would only further intensify the fire.

Forget about the 'restoration' in such instance.

Qi flow is important for both normal & special charts. It is just that the Qi required in Special Chart is reversal.

Which mean to say, when it is a follower chart where the DM is extremely weak, without any form of support,... we need to maintain such a state.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


==> Some say, whatever we never had, we won't miss....

Bazi is an art & a science of understanding human beings. Try to understand this subject from the perspective of human perspections & behaviours.

A beggar is poor. He/she doesn't has any material wealth in possession. BUT, that doesn't mean that he/she won't miss it :)

According to TCM, our body system is made up by 5 main organs (represented by 5 elements). The absence of any element (say water) in the chart may mean we need to pay more attention on the organ represent by such element. This is especially so when the opposing elements (say Earth & Fire) is strong.

LadyGaga said...

Hi Master Goh,

I know of one DM without Fire in bazi chart. After leaving the Fire luck pillars, eye sight deteriorate terribly - today, almost as blind as bat. Had to wear thick glasses.

How can TCM/Bazi be utilized to improve eye sight? Is it too late to rescue the situation? DM is currently in wood Luck Pillars. Can we clash metal at wood to get fire?

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Eye, according to the bazi & TCM, is represented by the Wood. Of course, we would like to (also) consider the energy of fire during the process of examining the ailments related to the eye.

From your posting, Fire is weak & has 'gone'. What about the status of Wood? Strong, weak or under severe attack from metal or is soaped under 'COLD' water....

We have learned from previous postings that element(s) are inter-related.

If the metal is strong & is severely attacking the wood, introducing metal to gain fire is not advisable.

If the water (in the natal chart) is strong & doing harm to the fire. Then, we may need to enhance the energy of fie through massaging the eye area.

You may ask why?

Fire represents heart & blood circulation. When the water is too strong, the blood is not being able to flow smoothly upward (note that the characteristic of fire is moving upward) to the head & eye.

Do massage on some important acupuncture points related to eye helps.

If, however, the wood is too strong in the natal chart, the wood luck pillar may even further suffocating the weak fire.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....