Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bazi Daily - 02/09/2010

Ren Water (壬水)

Yes, water travels in a downward direction implies that he/she does not reminisce nor persist.

Have you ever spend time in observing natural water?  When water flow is impeded, it travels in another direction.  What can we say about that pertaining to the personality of the individual ?


Lilian said...

Master Goh,
Ren water represents ocean, moving rivers. Their deep undercurrents give them great physical and mental strength to move all things and endure hardships.

Like the open sea, Ren water are open and direct, sometimes even forceful, in their dealings with others.

Like the tides, Ren water personalities have highs and lows,

Rivers being constantly moving indicate that they are impatient, fast thinker/learner.

Regards, Lilain

lugrey said...

Master Goh,
How can one determine what type of Ren the person is? Whether they are an ocean, lake, river, water falls? Do we look at the EB on the Day pillar?

Guan Leong, GOH said...


It depends on the strength of the Ren water, especially when it is the DM :)

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....