Ji Earth
To me, I would deem that Ji Earth Person is honest and caring, just like mother taking good care of kids. However, he/she tends to worry over children and can be fiercely possessive at times.
Also, he/she (the Ji DM) is serious and kind, but WITHIN is a tempest.
Dear Mr. Goh,
is Ji earth DM with strong 7K which happens to be Yi wood going towards "dishonest" and more on manipulative side?
I am thinking the whole chart tells the whole story, but Ji Earth DM generally are honest and caring, I agree. :)
Hi Kikuchiyo,
my 2 cents,
I don't think the element itself can identity the type of person up to the extend of caring, trustworthy, honest etc. I think the upbringing, culture, and experience will shape them into this detail.
Wei Kee
I do agree with Wei Kee that no element alone (by itself) is capable of explaining a person characters.
As for Kikuchiyo's comment on too strong an Imposing Authority Deity would render a Yi person to be dishonest & manipulative, I would like to add the fact that this negative trait may readily be seen by others. Afterall, Ji Earth DM, on surface, may appear to be very honeest and caring :(
Don't forget that : Human is a VERY COMPLEX CREATURE!
Hi Weikee and Master Goh,
I for some part agree that element do not make the full character. However, I'd like to point out....
Colin Powell was born and grew up in the ghetto where drug dealing, hustling, and criminal is common. And thus, by the upbringing and culture, then Colin Powell would grow up to be like the people surrounding where he lived. However, He stayed off drugs and crime life and became a Secretary Defense of Bush Administration of USA.
I'd in "naive" sense, would like to think, his "elements" were the one who guided him to be radically different.
And yes, Human is both complex and simple. After, Human being, having a mind are easily manipulated by means of media. I hope this makes sense. :D
P.S. By the way, Me as Ji DM, on the surface as have been commented by people, Honest and caring are never in a descriptions. lol!
Can someone help me understand "Also, he/she is serious and kind, but within is a tempest."
Would this mean that a JI DM struggles with himself...his thoughts. Can it also mean that after he has been kind he regrets it?
Thank you in advance.
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