Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bazi Daily - 01/09/2010

Ren Water (壬水)

Water travels in a downward direction, from high to low, and never reverses its flow.   What can we infer from this natural state of water ?

Any Ren water person out there to provide us with better insight ?


Andy said...

once an action has been decided upon, the individual will not stop until the situation cannot be reversed, for better or for worse...

(only applies to Ren DM that is strong and unrestricted).

Constance said...

I guess a strong Ren Water person is very domineering...

And never allows anyone to 'step over his/her head' or be stronger / better.

During arguments, this person always want to win?

Anonymous said...

I have 2 family members who are weak REN water and they fit Constance's description.

lugrey said...

Ren people don't like to feel restricted and they tend to have an opinion on everything.


Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....