Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bazi Daily - 27/06/2010

I have covered the subject of Compound Stars, now I shall proceed with the subject of Chart Pattern (格局).

We have heard of the term Chart Pattern, but what is it all about?  What is the purpose of defining or categorizing a chart?
In the retail market, every product has its own unique trademark and design to distinguish it from others. In fact, functions and features are immediately identified with certain brand names.

A Bazi Chart is just like a product, has its own unique feature that is different from other charts.  By categorizing or assigning a name to it (based on certain set of guidelines), we should be able to tell something about the chart. 

Put it simply, the Chart Pattern is to define & to show the unique features of the chart.  Hence, facilitating the process analysis.


I never notice what has been done. I only see what remains to be done.

Marie Curie

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Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....