Monday, March 15, 2010

Feedback of Virus

Recently, I have received a numbers of feedback from the readers on the issue of virus.   As mentioned, I am effectively computer illerate with respects to the technicality of the computer.  Would appreciate if someone could advise me on the probable causes to the problems.

BTW, I do not cooperate with any company in advertising in the blog.  I myself was being re-directed to some unknown commecial advertisements as well in a number of occasions.

I will find way to report to the Blogger for assistance.   Thanks for your supports & concerns.  Hope that the virus detected here does not cause any inconveniences at your end.


Anonymous said...

Apparently you (well, we!) are not alone. Perhaps this will be of some help?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Thanks alot.

weikee said...

From what i notice, the redirection to porn is happen much frequent during night and midnight.



Lugrey said...

Master Goh,
There is one really long java script that seems out of place. It begins after the code '">'.

That maybe where the problem. NOt exactly sure how it got there.

I'm far from the expert so please don't quote me. Just a hunch.


Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....