Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bazi Daily - 17/03/2010

Implicit Talent Subdues Imposing Authority
When the day master and the Deity of Imposing Authority are of comparative strength in the four pillar chart, we term this “Comparable Day Master and Imposing Authority” (身煞两停). Under such circumstances, the Deity of Implicit Talent is the ideal favourable element, hence the term “Implicit Talent Subdues Imposing Authority”.

Those who have“Implicit Talent Subdues Imposing Authority”in their Eight Characters:

1. Are eloquent and good at persuasion (characteristic of Deity of Implicit Talent).
2. Loyal but slightly headstrong(characteristic of Deity of Imposing Authority).
3. The restraint by the Deity of Implicit Talent means that the day master is able to control himself. He knows when to fold his sails and understands his own limitations.



The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend.
I have no wealth to bestow on him.
If he knows that I am happy in loving him,
he will want no other reward. Is not friendship divine in this?


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Does the deity of implicit talent and the deity of imposing authority of the chart below have comparable strength?


Yi as the deity of implicit talent and Ji earth in Chou as the deity of imposing authority.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


What do you think? Share with us your view (with reason) first :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

I have to rephrase my question. It should be comparing the strength of dm n imposing authority.

Geng and Xin hidden under Si, Xu & Chou support the Gui DM and provide protection against deities of authority.

Ji in Chou is alone. The strong wealth deity (bing) can give birth to Ji but it seems Wu earth in Xu benefit more due to its position in the chart; wealth deity closer to Xu then Chou. Therefore, Ji in chou can't be too strong.

Gui DM receive support from Geng and Xin hidden stem and Ji receive some support from Bing. In my point of view, they are off equal strength. Thus the eating god Yi is favourable. Furthermore, it sits on top of Ji. This enhances the positive effect more.


Anonymous said...

Dear Master Goh,

Implicit talent is better for strong dm master than
weak dm master? is it better to appear in hour pillar than other pillar?
Thank You.

Miss K.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


X  癸  丙  乙
X  巳  戌  丑

I don't quite understand why you placed so much important to the role of Geng & Xin (i.e. the HHS inside the Xu & Chou) instead of the main energy ~ earth ?

To me, the DM (i.e. Gui) is weak. Given that the Xu is the prominent and is further enhanced by the Chou Earth & two fire.

Once again, focus of main energy first :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Miss K,

Back to the basic, 'Balance' is the key word. Since Implicit Talent can weaken the strong DM, it is better.

As for the position of the deities in different pillars, some school of thoughts deem that different deities should reside in different pillars. Personally, I do not follow it strictly :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Thanks for your answer. Actually I am the owner of the chart. I agree that the DM is weak.

The hour pillar is actually Ding Si. The reason I highlight the HHS Geng & Xin is because they are found in all the earth branches along with Wu or Ji and it looks like they redirect the energy from earth to water. + I want to see what others think about my deduction.

I do understand the main energy play a bigger role in the chart. The fact that there are 4 hidden metals in the chart is kind of distracting lol :).


Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....