财为喜用时 = 主事业顺利、得名得利、婚姻和睦;
财为仇忌时 = 主事业破败、感情风波、婚姻不顺。
Literal Translation & Interpretation:
A lots of students & readers are keen & anxious in knowing what would happen in particular Annual Luck Cycle.
To deduce a possible event that might take place, you need to have a good understanding on the representation of the 10 deities.
If it is in the Annual Luck Cycle of Wealth Deity, it must be related to either : -
- economical, monetary or transactional matters ;
- father, wife & romance issue.
Of course, the list can go on if you can further expand the representation of Wealth Deity.
Next, we have to ascertain the favorability of the Wealth Deity in the Annual Luck Cycle.
If it is favorable, we can deduce the DM is enjoying a good increment or a good gain in investment. In term of kinship, the relationship with father, girlfriend (if single) & wife is living harmoniously.
The converse holds true if the Wealth Deity is unfavorable to DM.
Great minds discuss ideas ; Average minds discuss events ; Small minds discuss people.
Hi Master Goh,
Always want to ask about flow of energy / Qi of the element in the Bazi. Do the 10 years Luck Pillar act as our buffers / shields to the Annual LP.
Eg, if year 2010 Yin is not our favorable element for the person 4 pillars. But on the person 10 Year Luck pillar it have a Hai, with this Hai it union with Yin to become Wood, (assuming wood is favor to the DM) this will somehow neutral the -ve effect of the Yin toward the 4pillars.
Hi Master Goh,
I saw a comment by Claudia Goh on the very strong Yang Fire person that she was refering to on ur previous post, my question is...the Strong fire person would be more compatible with a female that has metal,water and earth elements in her chart? if so, can we say that the female is prospering the strong Fire DM? as in the term "Wang Fu Yi Zi"???
Chen Yew
Some classics held the view that Luck Pillar set the 'macro environment' for the entire chart. The event (auspicious or inauspicious; good or bad) would not take place until & unless Annual LP activate it.
If the LP is unfavorable, the environment (i.e. during the luck period) is considered as unstable & fluctuating. Not major harm to the DM as long as the Annual LP does not ignite it.
Based on this understanding, since Hai has to capacity to convert Yin into a favorable element, it would definitely able to reduce or neutralize the negative impact of the Yin :)
Chen Yew,
A female client (with strong fire in her chart) consulted me & asked me whether should she look for a person (i.e. husband & boyfriend) with either DM as Water or strong water energy in the chart.
Do you know how I answered to her query?
I told her : You should look for the person that truly LOVE you.
So many a times we tend to get carried away by the favorability of the element(s) in determining our jobs, in searching our business partners & life mate.
It is true that the energy in 2 different polarities (i.e. cold & hot) can complement each other. However, personally, I feel that it is inadequate.
In addition to elemental aspect, we have to scrutinize the compatibility of the personality as well.
Hi Master Goh,
Thank you for your explanation. You give me another point of view / new scenario of looking into LP. Previously i always thought LP is a Shield (bad / good) to the Bazi.
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