Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bazi Daily - 15/01/10

Like other developed countries, Singaporeans place a lot of emphasis on Paper Qualifications.   It's already a social norm to send kids for enrichment courses & attending endless tuition classes.

As a parents, have you ever try using Bazi to recruit your ideal tutor ?

If you are looking for a tutor that is caring, filled with love & is patient, below are the guidelines that you may want to take note :-

耐心的看法  = 正印 加 食神
Patient      = the presence of Resource Deities & Implicit Talent

Got it ?

Below are the TWO (2) different set of bazi charts, which one do you deem as being patient & can assume the role of tutor better?

Case 01

辛  辛 己   
丑 子  酉

Case 02

辛  丁 庚   
酉 戌  申


Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.

~  George S. Patton

From today onwards, I shall include a section ~ 'Food For Thought'.  It shall include inspirational, motivational & meaningful quotes to brighten our days :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Allow me to try. I think is the second bazi (case 2), because there is both resource and implicit talent there. Case 1 doesnt have implicit, only have explicit. So mostly likely a little bit more impatient than case 2.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Thanks for your attempt :)

However, I don't quite understand when you mentioned that Case 1 only have Explicit Talent ?

My conclusion is different from yours :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

I would like to have a try, I’m a beginner so apologies if the thinking is not on the right lines.

Case 1 is Ren sitting on Zi with support from Xin and You. So there is the presence of resource deity. Implicit talent for Ren would be Jia, which is not apparent. As far as I am aware, the only wood element in this chart is hidden in Wei as Yi wood.

Case 2 is Wu sitting on Xu with support from Ding. Ding is further supported by Jia to keep it burning. Geng metal represents the implicit talent of Wu. Perhaps Wu can be visualised as a mountain being long standing (patience) and also Earth resembles trust.

Based on that, I would agree with Lex, case 2. However, based on your comment it is probably case 1, but I can’t look deep enough to see how!


Guan Leong, GOH said...


I like your way of associating / viewing Wu Xu earth as a mountain.

However, you may have overlooked the existence of Seasonal Combination (申、酉&戌三会) in the natal chart (Case 2). Given that Xin & Geng metal appears in the HS, it is likely to transform into strong metal energy.

I would rather view metal as extremely strong Explicit Talent Deity than merely an Implicit Talent.

Explicit Talent can be very talented & smart, but it is also well known for its impatient nature.

She has been job-hopping from jobs to jobs & could not settle on a job for too long.

As for the Case 1, he is the pilot for a well-known airway :)

He is : -

- logical & rational (Proper Authority)

- patience & Caring (Primary Resource)

But, he can also be quite rigid & regimental.

If given a choice to me, Case 1 would be a better candidate.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

I didn't see that, thank you for explaining.


Anonymous said...

Thank u for ur explaination Master Goh. I was too shallow for not noticing the combi.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh

What is the purpose of these two wordings next to the 4ps
a) Case 1 乾
b) Case 2 坤
Could you please explain? Thank you.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


乾 refers to male & 坤 refers to female.

The purpose of indicating is to show the gender of the DM.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh

OIC, learning something new today.
Thank you.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....