Monday, December 21, 2009

Bazi Daily - 21/12/2009

My dear friends, how was your weekend?

Just spent my weekend with a group of good friends at Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia. It was really fun & enjoyable. Really looking forward for the next trip :)

We have visited one of the famous resorts at Malaysia ~ Bukit Tinggi (with the height of 1000 meters above the sea-level). It is the latest highland escape in Pahang.

Together with the kids, we also visited the Rabbit Park (at Bukit Tinggi) where there are approximately 30 ~ 40 rabbits roaming in the park along with donkeys.

One of us got excited and alerted us that today (Sat, 19/12/2009) is the day of 戊戌 . That struck my mind to erect the bazi chart (below) :-

X  丙 己
X 戌  丑

The purpose (in this instance) is to explore the possibilities of the bazi in describing or matching the place(s) that we have visited.

The Visit To Rabbits Farm
(9 am, 19/12/2009)

丁  丙 己
巳 戌  丑

The combination of 卯戌 as Rabbits Farm

How can we associate (the visit to) the Rabbits Farm to the above bazi chart?

卯 (yin wood) represents the rabbit and it was amazing to observe that 戌 earth in the Day Branch (one of the most important considerations in foretelling daily activities) combines with the 卯 (i.e. the rabbits).

戌 as the physical environment whereby the rabbits lives.

To facilitate the explanation, we have to make use of the hidden heavenly stems within the 戌 earth.

戊 = it is an earth, it is an open space.
辛 = the fencelike barrier protecting the rabbits

丁 = If we were to fix卯as the focal point to represent the rabbits, fire would be the output deities to the 卯 rabbits, representing movement &, hence, freedom.

To sum up, 戌 earth is an open space for rabbit to move around freely & is protected by the fencelike barrier.

戊戌 as the mountain

As mentioned, Bukit Tinggi is the mountain that is 1000 meters above the sea-level. Being one of the important considerations in forecasting daily activities, we have to scrutinize the Day Pillar (戊戌) carefully. Both the Yang Earth sitting on each other resembles the image of mountain.

Since 戌 is the rabbit farm and is the day branch sitting below the 戊, it is obvious that the Rabbits Farm is situated in the halfway of the mountain.


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Very insightful. I especially liked the manner in which you equated Xu to a rabbit farm and the fact that it attracts Mao. Perfect!


Andy said...

19.12.2009 was a double yang earth day. But not everyone visit rabbit farm on that day. How about those who went to swimming pool? Then the day is not accurate for them?

Guan Leong, GOH said...


The science of metaphysics is something that we can't see, but can feel :)

I don't erect bazi every now & then for my daily activity. It is just that (out of nowhere) I felt like erecting the chart (strongly on that day) to see is there any linkage between the bazi & my daily.

My conclusion is that it doesn't apply to anyone, definitely. But, when you got the kind of undefinable feeling, then the chart erected can truly reflect our daily activity :) Try it.

BTW, since it is a duoble yang earth day, it is rather dry & hot. This might be one of the reasons why they went to swimming pool :)

Also, Wu Xu symbolizes crowded places such as shopping center. We went to one of the major shopping centres in KL. Even more amazing was that the driver dropped us at the South Gate of that shopping complex.

Andy said...

oh ok... maybe another to put it is that due the double earth day, the rabbit park was in favor, so managed to attract many visitors... including your group all the way from singapore...

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....