Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bazi Daily - 16/12/2009 The Un-ending story of Tiger Woods

In view of the additional information (i.e. hour pillar) added to Tiger Woods’ bazi & more interesting points that had been brought up, I would like to continue with the discussion : )

Sanjay : Thanks for providing the hour pillar (丁亥) to Tiger Woods’ bazi.

丁    戊  乙
亥  戌    卯

29 (LP)    AP
乙      己
酉      丑

Dana mentioned that the Wealth Deity (i.e. mao wood) in the Year Pillar is in the stage of Void (空亡), hence Tiger Woods could not retain his wealth (i.e. money & wife).

I am, however, holding different opinion & deem that he is capable of generating the monetary wealth for the following reasons :-

- Mao wood is being combined by Xu (day branch) & Hai (hour branch). According to classical theory, combination dissolves the Void. Hence, we cannot view the Mao (& the wealth) as being emptied or in the Void stage.

- Zi & Hai water in the month & hour branches nourishes wood (wealth), meaning he is still capable of generating the wealth.

Since the Mao (Wealth) is being combined by Xu in the Spouse Palace, i.e. the Xu is able to avoid the Mao (i.e. the wealth) from falling into the Void stage. We can deduce that his wife is holding the financial power for the income generated by Tiger Woods.

Perhaps, this is the primary reason why Tiger Woods is trying his very best to so-called ‘retain’ his relationship with his wife. If not, the money may gone with the wife.

Dana further mentioned that the current year of Ji Chou should be a good year for Tiger Woods as the Earth strengthens the Weak Geng Metal DM.

I would like to cautious those that hold the similar stance not to overlook the impact of the current Luck Pillar (i.e. yi you).

The You metal is the Yang Ren (羊刃) to DM. It is the strong supporting forces to DM. I would view it as strong metal during the current luck cycle. Since the DM is strong, the appearance of戊 & 戌 in the natal chart & the addition of Ji Chou made it an even overly strong DM.

Who would suffer as a result? Without doubt, the wood (i.e. wealth, wife & girlfriends…) would suffer.

Not forgetting that the You clashes with the Mao (the wealth). You metal also ‘break up’ the unity of Mao & Xu. Since both the Spouse star (i.e. the Wealth Deity) & Spouse Palace are being affected simultaneously, the relationship of course turns sour.

As for the doubt raised by Dana on how the bazi could explain the negative impact to his reputation, I think it is due to the presence of strong seasonal water (亥、子、丑) to harm the energy of Proper Authority (representing career as well as status, reputation).

One interesting observations, there are a lot of combinations taking place in the current Luck Cycle & Annual Luck Cycle :-

- 乙庚
- 亥子丑
- 酉丑

The above combinations resulted in extremely strong metal & water. FYI, a person with abundance of both the elements (metal & water) & plentiful of combinations, are normally the person with strong sexual desires.


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

You wrote "according to classical theory, combination dissolves the void" I am intrested to know more of this. What are the rules to disolved the void, is it only work if the "void" got the 3 union and six unions together, or any of the union will do.

Hai + Moa is partial combo of Tri-unions, and Xu-Mao is a Six unions.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


It was only stated "合能解空亡" in the classics. But, personally & logically, I would deem that the partial combo does help :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Master Goh.

Your blog really help me alot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

How is Yang Ren different from competitive deity?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


They are referring to the same thing. However, traditionally, scholars do differentiate it by the location.

If the Competitive Deity appears in any of HS, it is called Competitive Deity. However, when it appears in the EB, it is called Yang Ren.

You can treat Yang Ren as one of the 10 deities as well as a Compound Star :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Thanks. This is Tiger Wood's, Elin'srt, chart. I could not find the TOB.

? 癸 丙 己 
? 酉 子 未 

Tiger needs Bing to thrive and Elin, a strong DM herself, needs Wu. Both are able to get these elements from each other, which explains the initial attraction between them.

There is a Mao-You clash in the DP/current LP and Chou-Wei clash in the YP/current year. So, clearly this has been a tough year for Elin and her marriage and home life has been upset as a result. Both these clashes have impacted her sense of security (Resource element) and outlook on life (Talent deity.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


I like your deduction & description on the clashes that affecting Elin's sense of security.

As for whether the Bing fire is needed by Tiger Woods' bazi, I am not quite sure :( Perhaps, during the current LP where the metal is strong, Bing fire may be needed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

I mention Bing as Tiger's chart is cold. Ding fire cannot do its job to sharpen or forge metal until both Wu Earth and Jia wood are warm. Therefore, for Geng to be productive, i.e. chop Jia Wood, it needs Bing. Tiger won world acclaim in his second LP (Bing Xu). Now, in his third pillar, he is lacking Bing and was attracted to Elin because of her Bing element -- vibrant/outgoing personality.

I am afraid, if Tiger and Elin separate, he'll desperately look for another Bing to win his mo jo back :) His next pillar is Jia Shen. Again, wet wood (Water is born in Shen). I personally think, he'll not be effective without Bing in his life.

I also suspect that most of the women he has been attracted to have strong Wood and Fire in their charts. His BaZi craves for it else it is too humid and cold without it.

Tiger's day pillar of Geng Xu has both competitive deity (competitors and partners) and proper authoirity (his boss) in his spouse palace. His boss and partnerships help him make money. Also, as competitive deity (metal) is in his spouse palace, it is difficult for wood to live there. I strongly suspect that Tiger will continue to have difficulty in maintaining long-term relationships.

However, Geng Xu is a Fui Gong pillar -- very difficilt to die -- therefore, he is a real survivor :)



Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh, Sanjay,

From Sanjay second post, make me wonder can we really use spouse 8z for cross use of element? if that is possible what about bazi of the DM son and daughter? can it be cross use of element?



Guan Leong, GOH said...


I don't really understand what do you mean by cross use of element. Are you referring to the scenario whereby one element is lacking but is needed in the bazi, then he/she can be easily attracted to the party carrying that particular element.

There are some masters that really believe in the above-mentioned theory. What is needed will be attracted :)

Personally, I am having a hot chart & my wife is having a cold chart. We are both attracted to each other.

I have to, however, confess that I seldom consider it during my consultation.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

IMHO, and with all due respect, your hot chart is an important ingredient in defining your personality. Likewise for your spouse. Therefore, the DMs have an affinity for complimentary Qi that is lacking.

I tend to test and use this method only to determine and test initial attraction/compatibility, but use a more detailed analysis to analyze longevity and compatibility of a relationship.

I have also seen terms such as "Silent Push" used to describe "affinity" of certain branches to attract Qi of their respective combo elements.

Having said this, when I first read about this technique, I went back and studied the BaZi of all my ex-girlfriends and found it to be true of most all long-term relationships :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

I have been looking at Tiger's chart as moderately weak where the DM has become strong in this LP. Hope you concur.


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh, Sanjay & Wei Kee,

I doubt that Tiger Woods will not stray even though he found a wife who has strong fire and wood element.

However, I'm wondering, since human action is the most important thing in life, if he is your client and you were reading his bazi, what advise would you have given him other than informing him to control his lusty behaviour? Also, could all this mess be prevented in the first place?

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

I was asking, if the DM bazi is lack of wealth element, can he or she borrow the element from the spouse? Since Sanja mention about Tiger Wood need Bing and his wife need Wu, it seem to me we can "borrow" element from people (or maybe spouse only)

BTW, i am also one hot DM, and my wife is a cold Xin metal. is that coincidence?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Somehow or rather, I still deem that Tiger Woods is a weak metal person.

It is just that the Resources Deities is strong in his bazi chart that causes confusion.

Normally, person with this configuration (i.e. strong output & Input, but weak DM) are normally the person with DUAL Personality.

The can be very extroverted (Talents Deity) at times and can be very introverted (Strong Input) as well.

In my experiences, these are the persons that would put up a strong defensive wall to protect his/her weak DM (i.e. lack of confidence).

BTW, when come to determining the strength of a given set of bazi chart, it is normal that different person may have different judgement.

Nobody can always be right:) Stick with your conclusion if you deeply believe in your judgement :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Instead of using the term 'borrowing' the energy, I would prefer to use the term 'attracting'.

We can be attracted easily to the person with the element we need & vice versa.

We can use the term 'concidence' to expain it, but it is a fact. And both of us can justify it as both of us (with hot chart) are marrying to a wife with cold chart. Come to think about it : it is a good explanation of the concept that we used to put it in our mouth => Yin - Yang are both complementary or the co-existence of Yin & Yang, Cold & Hot, Proactive & Passive.....

Guan Leong, GOH said...


I have read somewhere in one the of Tiger Woods' interviews whereby he mentioned that though he is not a buddhist, but he accepts most of the Buddha teachings.

This, somehow, shows that he is spiritual. And this is evident from the presence of Resources Deity in his natal chart. Not forgetting that the location of the Resources Deity is so close to DM, meaning deep impact.

If have have a client with similar chart, besides reminding him to control his lusty behaviour (as strong output giving birth to strong wealth), I would have advised him to spend more time in searching his inner self (thru' religious means or meditation), which is the other aspect of his dual personality.

Not forgetting that Tiger Woods is the world most famous golfer. It is without doubts that he is materially wealthy than most of us, BUT it is also true that he is spiritually worsen than most of us.

Hence, if can engage himself in serious inner self searching, things would be better.

Anonymous said...

Just look into those lips of his...Mr. Fui Gong's marriage was already doomed to begin with, ask Alec Baldwin.... but that doesn't stop them from doing great things!

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....