Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bazi Daily - 01/10/2010

Before we proceed further, let's do a quick recap of what we have learned on the INITIAL evaluation of marriages.

Step 1   =  To ascertain the Presence or Absence of the Spouse Star
Step 2   =  To ascertain the strength of opposition forces that do harm to the Spouse Star.

IN SHORT, we are evaluating the SURVIVABILITY of the Spouse Star.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bazi Daily - 30/09/2010

Yes, Hong!  You are right.

According to the Cycle of Controlling Relationship :-

Female Chart :

Output (namely Explicit Talent -伤官) diminishes the energy of Spouse Star (i.e. Proper Authority Deity 正官)  ;

Male Chart :

Competitive Deity (namely 比劫)  diminishes the energy of Spouse Star (i.e. Wealth Deity 财星)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bazi Daily - 29/09/2010

Knowing the Spouse Star is the very initial step in analyzing the marriages.  Next, we need analyze the forces that diminish the energy of the Spouse Star.

Which of the forces are detrimental to the survival of Spouse Star?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bazi Daily - 28/09/2010

From today onwards, I shall share with you on examining the marital relationship. 

To ascertain martial relationship, we have to first identify the Spouse Star :-

For Female :


Both the Proper & Imposing Authority Deity represents Spouse Star to a female.   You may wonder, what is the different between Proper Authority & Imposing Authority.

To be more specific,

Proper Authority Deity denotes husband ;

Imposing Authority Deity denotes boy friends.  In the absene of Proper Authority Deity, Imposing Authority Deity also can be used to represent husband.  BUT, the relationship may not be as good or harmous as compared to the case where Proper Authority appears in the chart.

 For Male :


On the other hand, Wealth Deity represents Wife to a male. 

Same principle applies :-

Conventional Wealth Deity denotes Wife;

Unconventional Wealth Deity denotes girl friends or (even) mistress.

In the absene of Conventional Wealth Deity, Unconventional Wealth Deity also can be used to represent Spouse. BUT, the relationship may not be as good or harmous as compared to the case where Conventional Wealth appears in the chart.

Above are merely a simple set of guidelines.   There are more factors to consider.  Hence, do not happily commented a marital relationship (blissful or unblissful) by simply based on the presence or absence of spouse star....

Discover your potential thru bazi

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bazi Daily - 27/09/2010

Are you thinking too much ?

If yes, one of the possible causes is such that the Earth in your chart is Strong.   

Why is that so?  Because Earth represents Contemplation.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bazi Daily - 26/09/2010

Today, I shall touch on the how to examine a person suffering from depression from the perspective of Five Elements.

As we know, Metal represents worry and anxiety.  Hence, chart that is cold & with metal as unfavorable element are more like to be the potential candidates for such illness.

Announcement - MARRIAGES

Currently, I am in the process of compiling & writing the interesting topic on the subject of Marriages.  Hopefully, I could have it publish it by mid - November 2010 in the form of e-book.  Meanwhile, would like to share with you part of the information.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bazi Daily - 25/09/2010

We all knew that Wood represents Anger (in term of emotional aspect) & Liver (in term of body part).

Which mean to say (in general) the Anger is due to the unhealthy Wood energy in the bazi that causes an individual to get angry easily.

What constitute 'UNHEALTHY' Wood energy ?

Perhaps, you may want to look at your friends who has Anger Management difficulties.  Ask for their date of birth and share with us :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bazi Daily - 24/09/2010

I am still waiting for the comments from you all on the applications of 5 elements.  I can assure you that it is simple &, yet, profound :)

While I am waiting for your comments, I would like to share with 8Zee & the rest on the questons posted.

>> why is water's virtue = 智 and water's emotion = 惊、恐?

To be very frank, I have to confess that I have no idea how our ancestor derived such a conclusion.  But, given the fact that the water flow freely, it connotes flexibility and, therefore, wisdom.

We can apply the same logic to the rest of the elements.

BTW, the different between the Chinese character   &     is such that :-

-   惊 = the instant fear simulated by external environment
-   恐  = the fear due to own thought.  It is the fear with anticipation that something would occur.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bazi Daily - 23/09/2010

So far, I have covered the subject of 5 elements with special emphasis on its characteristics, 5 emotions (五志) & 5 virtues (五德).

Judging from the low participation & response rate, I suppose the readers may have the feeling that it is all too common sense & nothing to get excited about. 

Indeed, it looks simple & we have learned it in the elementary stage of our metaphysical studies.   However, as mentioned in my previous postings,  I would deem 易经(known as I-Ching or The Book of Changes) as the Book of Simplicity.    The simplicity conceals profound implications. 

Before I share with your on its applications, I would like to invite all of you to return to previous posting for further investigation.  I would also wish to invite you to share your insight with us after the so-called revision.

Example : Potentially which of the element can get angry, worry,.... easily? 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bazi Daily - 22/09/2010

Charactistics of Water

Five Virtues (五德)                    =     Wisdom (智)
Five Emotions (五志)                =      Fear (惊、恐)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Bazi Daily - 21/09/2010

Characteristics of Water

Individuals whose Water element is strong are witty, resourceful and adaptable.

Those who have excess Water are likely to be wilful, self-centred and scheming.

While an individual who has a weak Water disposition is temperamental, cowardly and petty.

Public Seminar

Below are the details of the talk that I am going to give on Sat, 26 Sept 2010 at SAFRA Jurong :-

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bazi Daily - 20/09/2010

Characteristics of Water

Characteristics        =     Downward Moisture (润下)

                                     Water hydrates and moisturises. It also relates to descent and concealment.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bazi Daily - 19/09/2010

Characteristics  of Metal

Five Virtues (五德)                      =   Justice (义)

Five Emotions (五志)                  =   Anxiety (忧)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Bazi Daily - 18/09/2010

Characteristics of Metal

Metal rules justice.

Hence, individuals who have a strong Metal element are loyal, decisive, righteous and generous.

However, those whose Metal element is too excessive are prone to be rash, reckless and even merciless.
An individual with a weak Metal disposition can be rather indecisive.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bazi Daily - 17/09/2010

Characteristics of Metal

Characteristics             =    Revision and Improvisation

                                      ‘Revision and improvisation’ connote revolution or conformity (从革)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bazi Daily - 16/09/2010

Characteristics of Earth

Five Virtues (五德)                         =    Trust  (信)

Five Emotions (五志)                      =    Contemplation (思)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bazi Daily - 15/09/2010

Characteristics of Earth

Individuals with a strong Earth element are trustworthy, dedicated, magnanimous and honest.

Those whose Earth element is too potent are obstinate, unreasonable and introverted. These individuals can be excessively sensitive as well.

Individuals who have a weak Earth disposition are, however, inclined to be selfish, dishonourable and less understanding.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bazi Daily - 14/09/2010

Characteristics of Earth

Characteristics    =     Planting and Harvest (稼穑)

The Earth element has storage, generative and preservative qualities.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bazi Daily - 13/09/2010

Characteristics of Fire

Five Virtues (五德)             =       Courtesy (礼)

Five Emotions (五志) =  Joy (喜)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bazi Daily - 12/09/2010

Characteristics of Fire

Positive Aspect :-

Individuals who have a reasonably strong Fire presence are highly energetic, straightforward, sincere, passionate, easy-going and polite.

However, when the Fire element is too overpowering :-

the individual is inclined to impatience, impulsiveness and stretching his limit that may land him in trouble.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bazi Daily - 11/09/2010

Characteristics of Fire

Characteristics       =        Fire fans out the qualities of radiance & warmth (炎)
                                       Upward climb (上)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bazi Daily - 10/09/2010

Characteristcs of Wood

Five Virtues of Wood      =   Benevolence (仁)

Five Emotions of Wood   =   Anger (怒)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bazi Daily - 09/09/2010

Characteristics of Wood

Characteristics of Wood  :  Curved or straight (曲直)

Wood has the qualities of flexibility and growth (曲).  It can bend and extend.

Howevever, when a bazi is overwhelming by ‘Wood’ element, he /she tends to be rigid, stubborn and extreme.   He / she commands strict principles (直).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bazi Daily - 08/09/2010

What are Five Elements?

It refers to Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal & Water.

It represents five different ‘energies (Qi)’, five different ‘essentials (Yuan Su)’ and five different ‘symbols (Fu Hao)’.

Despite their intangibility, they wield great influences on the entire universe.

Forefathers through years of experience discovered that the Five Elements in fact possess similar properties as the physical metal, water, wood, fire and earth, which we see and feel everyday.

These Five Primary Essentials affect the universe.   They are not stagnant but always active.

Between them, conversion, opposition, interdependence and suppression take place.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Bazi Daily - 07/09/2010

So far, we have touched on the subject of 10 Heavenly Stems.   Now, from tomorrow onweard, I shall proceed further to investigate the characteristics of FIVE Elements.

Some may wonder is there a need for re-visiting such a seemingly simple concept :)   

My view is such that : 

All forms of Chinese Metaphysics has its origin from the ancient text :  易经 (I - Ching).   Most of the scholars translated it as The Book of Changes.

I would, however, view it otherwise.   To me, I - Ching is "The Book of Simplicity".   It is just that human being complicate it. 

I would like to quote the statement made by Charles Mingus :-

Making the simple complicated is commonplace ; making the complicated awesomely simple, that's creativity.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Bazi Daily - 06/09/2010

Gui Water (癸水)

Gui represents the rain dew, which portrays a hazy quality. It is delicate and fragile but has the ability to infuse into things. The dew on the flower sways involuntarily with the slightest of breeze.

Therefore, we can conclude that he/she :-

-  Is introverted and fragile at the same time.
-  Has a gentle, scrupulous and calm disposition.
-  He is inclined to feel uncomfortable and suspicious.
-  Tends to be uptight and worries unnecessarily.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bazi Daily - 05/09/2010

Last but not least, we shall now examine the characteristic of the Gui Water.

As we know, dewdrop rests on the leaf, seemingly neither sliding off nor staying put. It looks even shakier when a slight breeze passes by.

On that note, Gui DM feels uneasy and suspicious easily.   He or she is inclined to worry over trivial things. Think negatively is anther trademark of Gui DM.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Bazi Daily - 04/09/2010

Ren Water (壬水)

Have you ever obvious how the water spills over when the volume of water is too full?

To me, this implies that the individual will rather fight to the death and incur a lose-lose situation.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bazi Daily - 03/-9/2010

Ren Water (壬水)

Below are some of the conclusions that we can draw : -

On the positive note, he/she is courageous and does not give up in the face of difficulties. It is difficult to block his path or change his mindset and decisions.

We can also conclude that he/she is highly adaptable and tries to overcome any obstacles in the way to achieve his goal.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bazi Daily - 02/09/2010

Ren Water (壬水)

Yes, water travels in a downward direction implies that he/she does not reminisce nor persist.

Have you ever spend time in observing natural water?  When water flow is impeded, it travels in another direction.  What can we say about that pertaining to the personality of the individual ?

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....