Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bazi Daily - 01/02/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretatinon:-

Today caption is an interesting topic.  It is about making deduction on whether are you born in the "rainy day".

Before I proceed, I have to confess that I do not have much live cases to support the above theory.  Because, the individuals involved do not even know the answer.  But, theoretically, it sounds logical.  Would like to invite the readers to compile your own statistics.  If possible, can share with us of your study.

Below are the necessary conditions :-

~  with strong water in the chart ;
~  there is no sign of Dry Earth (namely, Wu, Xu & Wei) ;
~  there is only Wet Earth (namely, Ji, Chen & Chou)


If you bring forth what is within you, it will heal you.
And if you do not bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you.

~ from the Gospel of St. Thomas ~

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bazi Daily - 31/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

I have mentioned in my previous posting on how to deduce whether our grandmother is a twin or re-married.

Today, we shall continue to use the same set of guidelines in investigating the other family member - grandfather.

Below are exactly the same set of guidelines with the exception that the deity involved is now become Resource Deity :-

- There is a 'repetition' (伏吟) of branches in Year & Month Branch ;
   (Year & Month Branch represents Grandparents & Parents)

- Resource Deity is being repeated in both the Year & Month Branch.
   (Resource Deity represents Grandfather)


X    DM    X    X
X     X     RD   RD


Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes.
~ Carl Jung ~

Friday, January 29, 2010

Bazi Daily - 30/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

It is amazing & incredible that we can even tell whether our grandmother is a twin or re-married.

Below are some of the contributing factors from the perspective of bazi :-

- There is a 'repetition' (伏吟) of branches in Year & Month Branch ;
   (Year & Month Branch represents Grandparents & Parents)

- Explicit Talent is being repeated in both the Year & Month Branch. 
  (Explicit Talent represents Grandmother)


X    DM    X     X
X      X     ET   ET

Word of Caution :   The above is merely a guideline to look into the 'POSSIBILITY'.


The shell must break before the bird can fly.

~ Tennyson ~

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bazi Daily - 29/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:

Before I proceed with the explanation of the above, I would like to cautious you that the study of Bazi is to examine & decode 'possible' events that might take place in accordance with to theory of Bazi.   It is merely a study of possibility.  More factors (such as upbringing, religion, country of birth,....) need to be taken into consideration before an accurate deduction can be made.   So, do not be over react or, even, disturbed if the bazi of your love ones resemble the scenario that I am going to share today.

To ascertain whether the spouse (refer to the wife in this instance) get involved in Romantic Entanglement or is flirtatious, below are some of the areas whereby we can examine :-

~ Wealth Deity (i.e. wife) is being combined by Amiable or Competitive Deity ;
~ Wealth Deity (i.e. wife) is in the same palace with Flower of Romance or Bath

Illustration :

X    乙  庚        Male Chart
X   X    X

~ Yin wood is the Conventional Wealth Deity to DM Xin.  However, it was being combined by Geng metal.
~ Si is the Bath stage of Yin Wood (i.e. Wealth Deity).


To handle yourself, use your head;

To handle others, use your heart.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bazi Daily - 28/01/2010



财为喜用时 = 主事业顺利、得名得利、婚姻和睦;
财为仇忌时 = 主事业破败、感情风波、婚姻不顺。

Literal Translation & Interpretation:

A lots of students & readers are keen & anxious in knowing what would happen in particular Annual Luck Cycle. 

To deduce a possible event that might take place, you need to have a good understanding on the representation of the 10 deities.

If it is in the Annual Luck Cycle of Wealth Deity, it must be related to either : -

- economical, monetary or transactional matters ;
- father, wife & romance issue.
Of course, the list can go on if you can further expand the representation of Wealth Deity. 
Next, we have to ascertain the favorability of the Wealth Deity in the Annual Luck Cycle.   
If it is favorable, we can deduce the DM is enjoying a good increment or a good gain in investment.  In term of kinship, the relationship with father, girlfriend (if single) & wife is living harmoniously. 
The converse holds true if the Wealth Deity is unfavorable to DM. 
Great minds discuss ideas ; Average minds discuss events ; Small minds discuss people.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bazi Daily - 27/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:

There are various ways to determine the suitable profession.   One of which is based on the favorability of the element.  For instance, if the Wood is favorable to the DM, one can consider to join wood related industries such as :-

~ textile, gardening, teaching profession,......

We can, however, based on the character / personality of the DM in advising suitable profession.   For instance, a person with considerably amount of Proper Authority Deity in the chart are normally more law obliging.  These are the group of indivduals that can perform & excel in the more rigid and regimental environment.


Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.

~ Unknown ~

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bazi Daily - 26/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:
Interestingly, bazi can even tell who are more likely to have interest in learning martial arts.
Yes, you may have already got it right.   It is the presence of strong Imposing Authority Deity in the natal chart.   This is so especially so if the Imposing Authority Deity is metal.
As a guide, individuals with Imposing Authority Deity in his/her chart are normally more adventurous & sporty.  They enjoy challenging sports & activities. 
There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~ Albert Einstein ~

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bazi Daily - 25/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

Month Branch represents Siblings Palace.  The clashes to Month Branch denote the relationship might not be in good term.

We all know that Authority Deity conquers Amiable & Competitive Deity.  The word 'Conquer' connotes reducing the energy of Amiable & Competitive Deity as a result of such clashes by Authority Deity.

Since Amiable Deity & Competitive Deity represents siblings, one of the possible deductions is that the DM may only have a few siblings.   This is especially so if the Authority Deity is situated in the Month Branch. 


If you understand, things are just as they are; if you do not understand, things are just as they are.

~ Zen proverb ~

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bazi Daily - 24/01/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:

According to the theory of 10 Deities, Resource Deity represents mother & Wealth Deity represents father.  And according to the theory of controlling relationship, Wealth Deity conquers Resource Deity.  Such a relationship provide us with an useful insight in ascertaining the marital relationship of our parents.

In the event where both the Resource Deity & Wealth Deity are adjacent to each other, we can conclude that the relationship between the parents is poor.   In worst situation, they may even divorce.

Example :-

X    DM      Wealth       Resource
X      X             X               X 


Dreams are illustratins from the book your soul is writing about you.

~  Marsha Norman ~

Friday, January 22, 2010

Bazi Daily - 23/01/2010


~ 食伤旺;
~ 官星弱或无。

Literal Translation & Interpretation :-
I really enjoy watching the show on American Got Talents.   It is a platform for the talents to exhibit their talents. Do hope that Singapore can hold a similar competition in the near future.  Who knows, perhaps you will see me on the stage :-)
But can we tell from a bazi chart that who stands a higher chance of becoming a movie star, artist or singer?
The answer is affirmative!    Below are the factors related to it :-
~ the presence of strong enough Talent Deities.
~ the Authority Deity is either too weak or non-existent.
Of course, there are more other factors that the above does not include, such as :-
~ the presence of Amiable & Competitive Deity (representing fans & supporters) ;
~ the presence of Romance Star (representing excellent relationship & attractiveness),...
Do share with us if you have more of such information! 
It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.
~  Erma Bombeck ~

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bazi Daily - 22/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:

Have you ever wonder why you have been so keen in learning Chinese Metaphysics?

Yes, there are ways whereby we can ascertain whether an individual have strong interest in Metaphysical Science or in the field of medicine.  He/she can even be the expert / author of his/her own field.

Let's check it out :-

- the presence of Star of Arts (华盖) ;&
- the presence of Talent Deity (食伤).

A person whose eight characters reveal the Star of Arts & Talent Deity is an avid student who is highly intelligent, diligent and mild-tempered. He is inclined to philosophical and religious studies, such as literature, music and metaphysics. He/she is keen learner who retains unique views and holds exceptional talents.

Tip shared by TH Teo


What the mind of man can conceive & believe, it can achieve.

~  Napoleon Hill ~

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bazi Daily - 21/01/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

Can you imagine to live in the environment whereby the wealther is cold & windy?   Physically, human tend to fall sick & catch cold easily in such an environment.

Hence, if we were to paint the picture of a bazi chart into this scenario (i.e. coldness), we should be able to accurately identify they type of bazi chart that would catch cold easily.

Below are the necessary conditions :- 

1. DM is a Water Person ;
2. The energy of Metal is strong ;
3. The energy of Water is strong ;
4. DM born in the Winter season.

Personally, my personal experiences tell me that DM need not to be the water person in order to qualify for the above statement.  He/she can be of any element, as long as the chart is cold, we can make to above conclusion confidently & accurately.


Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.

~  Martin Luther King, Jr ~

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bazi Daily - 20/01/2010

秃顶人八字标志 = 柱中干透庚、辛金,水、木少,逢旺金之运主此人秃顶。

Literal translation & interpretation :-

This is an interesting subject -

who is most likely to be the potential candidate for hair loss or, possibly, having a bald head?

I have tried & tested it in a number of occasions, the result is satisfactorily :p

First of all, we have to ascertain which of the five elements that represent hair.     

Yes, you are right!  Hair is being represented by Wood.   Naturally, when the energy of wood is weak due to the presence of strong metal, the hair loss is highly possible.   This is especially so if the DM is in the luck cycle of strong metal.

Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.
~  Henry Daivd Thoreau ~

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bazi Daily - 19/01/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:

I have mentioned in my previous posting on The Principle of Mean. Today, I shall provide more examples pertaining to its applications.

In term of body parts, Ren & Gui water represent urinary bladder & kidney, respectively.

In the event the water is weak & the metal is strong, the DM is likely to contract illnesses that is related to water, such as :-

Necessary Criteria & likely illnesses

1. Weak Ren Water + Strong Metal     =   urinary bladder stone

2. Weak Gui Water + Strong Metal      =   kidney stone (also called Nephrolithiasis)

Note to Kidney Stone :

A kidney stone is a solid piece of material that forms in the kidney from substances in the urine. It may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl. Most kidney stones pass out of the body without help from a doctor. But sometimes a stone will not go away, it may get stuck in the urinary tract, block the flow of urine and cause great pain.


Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense & persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.

~ Dale Carnegie ~

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bazi Daily - 18/01/2010

Literal Translation & Interpretation:

One of the most important principles of Chinese Metaphysics is ‘The Principle of the Mean’. In the context of Bazi studies, this principle emphasizes the DM or any of the elements in the chart:-

- Should not be too Strong ;
- Should not be too Weak ;
- Should not be too Cold ; &
- Should not be too Hot.

Any of the element (including the DM) that is violating the above-mentioned principle is considered to be undesirable & can be harmful to his/her destiny.

For instance, in the study of health, if the energy of the Wood (Yi or Jia) is extremely strong or is extremely weak, one may likely suffer from the illnesses that is related to Wood such as liver, gall bladder.


One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.

~ Benjamin Disraeli ~

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bazi Daily - 17/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:

Both the Proper & Improper Authority Deity conquers the DM. We can further broaden our understanding of the word ‘conquer’ to :-

~ manage, control, restrict, etc

Base on the above expansion of meanings, it becomes evident that the Authority Deity connotes the meaning of restricting or controlling DM. In the extreme case, it include restricting the ‘FREEDOM, MOVEMENT’ of the DM, i.e. imprisonment.

Theoretically, the relationship between the Strength of DM & the Authority Deity can be used to deduce the possibility of imprisonment and lawsuit.

As a quick reference, when the strength of DM is weak & the energy of Authority Deity is overly strong & is unfavorable, beware of lawsuit. This is especially possible during the Luck Cycle of Authority Deity.

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
~ Winston Churchill ~

Friday, January 15, 2010

Bazi Daily - 16/01/2010

Below information sent to me (via e-mail) by Jody.  Would like to thank you Jody for this sharing :)


Literal Translation & Interpretation:

Normally, we associate Proper Authority Deity with career & husband (for a female chart). Proper Authority Deity can also be associated with the ‘internal system’ of a corporation and, also, the legal system of a country.

Hence, when an unfavorable Explicit Talent Deity is overly strong, it clashes with Proper Authority Deity (伤官见官), meaning challenging the legal system.

When the energy of Proper Authority Deity is favorable, such a clash (by the Explicit Talent Deity) implies legal entanglement or, even, imprisonment.

Cautions have to be exercised when such as clash occur during the Annual Luck Cycle.

Faith is to believe what you do not see ;
the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
~ Saint Augustine

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bazi Daily - 15/01/10

Like other developed countries, Singaporeans place a lot of emphasis on Paper Qualifications.   It's already a social norm to send kids for enrichment courses & attending endless tuition classes.

As a parents, have you ever try using Bazi to recruit your ideal tutor ?

If you are looking for a tutor that is caring, filled with love & is patient, below are the guidelines that you may want to take note :-

耐心的看法  = 正印 加 食神
Patient      = the presence of Resource Deities & Implicit Talent

Got it ?

Below are the TWO (2) different set of bazi charts, which one do you deem as being patient & can assume the role of tutor better?

Case 01

辛  辛 己   
丑 子  酉

Case 02

辛  丁 庚   
酉 戌  申


Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.

~  George S. Patton

From today onwards, I shall include a section ~ 'Food For Thought'.  It shall include inspirational, motivational & meaningful quotes to brighten our days :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bazi Daily - 14/01/10


Literal Translation & Interpretation :-

When does a fire is most needed in a chart?  It is when the chart is cold that we need fire to warm up the entire chart.

However, when the fire is extremely weak or is lacking in such a chart, the individual might be a pessimist & feel lack of love or warmth toward life.

Tip shared by TH Teo

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bazi Daily - 13/01/10


Literal Translation & Interpretation :-

Individual with a favorable Primary Resource Deity in the natal chart is normally a THINKER.  They will think twice before taking (or not taking) any action or giving any comment.  In the absence of Talent Deities, we can deem it as an Introvert.

In the event of strong presence of such energy (& is unfavorable to DM), we can conclude that he/she can be over conscious in making comment.   In other words, he/she is good at concealing & hidding his real intention.  

Tip shared by TH Teo

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bazi Daily - 12/01/10 - Classics Decoding (Part 3 ~ Application)

Dear all,

Thanks for the replies, though the response is not as much as expected :)      It is only thru' practice where we learn!

Below is my step to step analysis & reply to some of the postings :-



Analysis : - 

癸  壬 丁  坤
丑 丑  巳

26 16 6
乙 甲 癸
卯 寅 丑
1.  First of all, we have to acknowledge that this is a female chart.

2.  She is a Yin Water person (癸水命人) born in the Winter season of Zi month (冬季子月).

3.  Zi (of the month branch) is also known as the Star of Prospect (十干禄) to DM.  

4.  This fulfilled the first condition described in this selected phrase (建禄生提月).  Given that there is no other prominent controlling element exists in the natal chart, we are certain that this is a strong DM. 

Some may disagree with me on the lacking of strong controlling element (namely, earth).   In the event some may not be aware that there are TWO (2) types of earth :

1st Type  =  Wet Earth (Chou & Chen Earth) ; &
2nd Type =  Dry Earth (Xu & Wei)

Chou is considered as one of the Wet Earth that born in the season of STRONG water.  I would view Chou as mud than an earth.

5.  Since this is a strong & cold chart, we are certain that it is preferrably to have Wealth Deity & Authority Deity to reside in this natal chart (财官喜透天).  

6.  You may, then, ask what are Wealth & Authority Deities?  It is none other than the Fire & the Earth elements.

7.  It is without doubt that both the Earth & the Fire do appear in this natal chart.   We may, then, want to examine the 'quality' of both the elements?   Does it of any help to the DM?

And this is the question I would like to pose to you :)

8.  Since this is a strong chart, any addition of energy that further enhancing the strength of the DM is undesirable (不宜身再旺).

9.  In this illustrated case, addition of Talent Deity would be beneficial. 

10. To sum up : -
  • this is a strong DM ;
  • Wood, Fire & Earth are the favorable elements to DM ; and
  • Metal & Water are unfavorable to DM.

WeiKee had correctly pointed out that Fire & Wood is needed in this chart.  But, the concern is the introduction of more earth may not be good.   Personally, I feel that the Water is too strong that needs some form of control - earth.  To be more specific, dry earth is needed.

Ms/Mr Unknown, on the other hand, pointed out that this chart is being too cold & the elements can be frozen as a result.

In short, we can conclude that the DM is strong + the entire chart is cold & more warm (fire + wood) is needed + dry earth.

Lex felt that the DM, possibly, comes from a well to do family as the favorable elements (fire) are located in the Year Pillar, what do you think ?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bazi Daily - 11/01/10 - Classics Decoding (Part 2)



Literal Translation & Interpretation :

Yuan Hai Zi Ping states (cont'd):

  • 不宜身再旺
    • Given that, by itself, the DM is strong, we do not need any more help to boost the energy of the DM. 
    • Put it simply, when the DM is strong, Competitive Deity, Amiable Deity & Resources Deities become redundant.

  • 惟喜茂财源
    • In addition to Wealth & Authority to suppress the energy of the strong DM, the classics continued to state that Talent Deities is also needed to further exhaust the abundancy of strong Self.

The above classics provide a good guideline in determining the strength of the DM as well as identifying the favorable & unfavorable elements.

Below illustrated case serve to test your understanding of the above classics.

癸  壬 丁  坤
丑 丑  巳

Try to : -

-  determine the strength of the DM ; &
-  identify the favorable & unfavorable element.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bazi Daily - 10/01/10 - Classics Decoding (Part 1)



Literal Translation & Interpretation :

Yuan Hai Zi Ping states :   
  • 建禄生提月  
    • DM born in the month of Amiable Deity is considered to be rooted (有根).  If there is no much of controlling element(s) in the chart, it is quite possible that the DM would be a strong Self. 
X        X    X
X    X        X
    • Traditionally, there is a name assigned to such a case (i.e. DM born in the month of Amiable Deity) as Star of Prospect (十干禄)

  • 财官喜透天
    • Given that the Amiable Deity is the strong supporting root to DM, what is needed is Wealth & Authority Deities to restore this strong Self to an equilibrium state.  
    • Different scholars interpretated the Chinese character '透' differently.   By virtue, '透' refers to appearance & transparent.   Some argued that both the Wealth & Authority Deities have to be apparently appeared in the Heavenly Stem.
    • I, on the other hand, think otherwise.   Regardless of whether it is appeared in the HS or EB, as long as there is a presence of Wealth & Authority Deities in the natal chart, it is acceptable to me.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Answering of Queries & Questions

Dear friends & readers,

Due to some urgent personal matter to attend, I am not able to attend to your queries & doubts.  

Notes have been taken & will make reply as soon as possible :)


Guan Leong, Goh
9 Jan 2010

Bazi Daily - 09/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:

Yuan Hai Zi Ping (Chinese: 渊海子平) is the first comprehensive and systematic book on the theory of Four Pillars of Destiny. The book was authored by Xu Sheng of the Song Dynasty of China and was a recording of fortune-telling master Xu Sheng's fortune-telling methods. The method involves manipulation of the Four Pillars (Ba Zi)or eight Chinese characters which form the date and time of birth according to the traditional Chinese calendar.

The names of the book's chapters are:

  • Basics
  • Ten Deities
  • Compound stars
  • Six Types of Family Members
  • Fortunes of Females
  • Fortune-telling Verses
According to Yuan Hai Zi Ping, if the Explicit Talent is strong & is residing the Spouse Palace of a female natal chart, she can be very fierce towards her husband.  She can nag at her husband without stopping (喃喃口不绝) whole day long (朝暮 - from morning to the night time).

Below is one of the bazi (female chart) that I have came across :-

己    丙  丁  坤(Yr 1967)
巳    午  未

壬 辛 庚 己 戊 丁 (LP   大运)
子 亥 戌 酉 申 未

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bazi Daily - 08/01/2010

Deciphering Personality
- Bravery vs Aggressive vs Offensive

Below are the factors relating to bravery as well as aggressiveness (or even to the extend of offensiveness):-

1. 七杀 (Imposing Authority) ;
2. 劫财、羊刃 (Competitive Deity) ;
3. 伤官 (Explicit Talent) ; &
4. 比劫重 (strong DM)

You may, then, ask what is the line to differentiate the bravery from aggressivessness (as well as offensiveness).

The answer is simply the favorability of the above-stated deities.   The more of the above-stated deities appeared in the natal chart & is favorable to the DM, the DM is firm & determined, dare to make changes & challenge the status quo, ie bravery.

When the energy of the above-stated deities appeared to be strong & unfavorable, the individual can be very straigthforward & unreasonable, ie aggressive.

Couple with above conditions, if there is a presence of clashes within the pillars of the natal chart, the individual can be very offensive :(

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bazi Daily - 07/01/2010

Now is the beginning of the year 2010.  It is widely believed that the economic is on its way of recovery :)   In actual fact, companies & recruitment agencies already started their recruitment drive since last quarter of the year.

The economics looks promising, but are you ready for the job change?   Below information provide you with some insight on the pushing factors whereby relating to job changes :-

1. 正偏印被冲、克、合;
2. 官杀被冲、克、合;

Pt 1 & 2 :  Both the Resource Deities & Authority Deities represents CAREER star.  When both are being clashed &/or combined by the LP or AP, it symbolizes changes related to employment.  

3. 驿马 (Traveling Horse)

Pt 3  :      The current LP &/or AP happens to be the Traveling Horse to the DM. 

4. 长生 (The Growth Stage of '12 Natural Life Stages for HS')

Pt 4 :       Current LP &/or AP is in the Growth Stage, denotes "New Beginning". 

5. 将星 (General Star - Compound Star)

Pt 5 :       The Compound Star for the current LP &/or AP is General Star, symbolizing wanted to be independance.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bazi Daily - 06/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

A person with natal chart that is strong in Resource Deity is normally the person that prone to think too much & can be very suspicious.  This is the potential candidate to be a loner.  

Besides the presence of strong Resource Deity, lacking of Amiable Deity & Competitive Deity in the natal chart is another way of judging whether the DM is a loner or not.

In the event where there is no presence of Amiable Deity & Competitive Deity in the natal chart,  the DM is the one & only one element appears in the chart, we can safely conclude that he/she is the person that prefer to work alone and act individually.

In term of business structure, this is the person that prefer sole-proprietorship than partnership.

Tip shared by TH Teo 

Monday, January 4, 2010

Bazi Daily - 05/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation :-

Generally speaking, Resource Deities represents parents.   In the event, there is no presence of Resource Deities in the natal chart, below possible deductions could be made and is hold true :-

-  the love given by the parents to the DM is limited ;
-  there is a generation gap ;
-  the DM is being taken care by the grandparents or baby sitter, etc.

Tip shared by TH Teo

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bazi Daily - 04/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

One simple &, yet, powerful deduction / conclusion we can make whenever we encounter a natal chart with TWO Amiable Deity appears in the Heavenly Stem simultaneously.    Guess what ??

The answer is already revealed in the above-stated short Chinese phrases, the DM is the person that enjoy gossiping.   Don't ever attempt to share with he/she about your deep inner thought, as he/she may broadcast it with/without your permission.

Tip shared by TH Teo

Bazi Daily - 03/01/2010


Literal translation & interpretation:-

Clashes denote instability.  This instability can be presented in the form of mood swing & emotional changes.  Accordingly, this may lead to luck fluatuation.

In term of communication skills, people with clashes in natal chart are normally the person that would exhibit impulsiveness during the process of communication.

Tip shared by TH Teo 

Friday, January 1, 2010

Bazi Daily 02/01/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:

Theoretically, Conventional Wealth Deity represents the wife & Unconventional Wealth Deity represents the girl friends (or even mistress) to a male DM.

Spouse star (i.e. husband) to a female DM, on the other hand, is represented by Proper Authority Deity and boyfriends or lovers, represented by Improper Authority.

As a quick & simple guide : -

- the absence of Spouse Deity in the natal chart represents lower level of affinity with opposite gender ;
- the presence of a Spouse Deity in the natal chart represents higher level of affinity with opposite gender ;
- the presence of abundant Spouse Deities in the natal chart represents he/she is a ‘universal lover’

Hence, when a male DM is surrounded by both the Conventional Wealth Deity & Unconventional Wealth Deity simultaneously, such as :

乙 庚 甲 X Male
X  寅 X X

we can conclude that the DM can ‘mix’ well with the opposite genders. He is either attractive or is easily be attracted to the opposite genders. Put it simply, they are the potential candidates that are weak in resisting temptations. Therefore, the chances for him to have intimacy relationship with more than one partners is higher.

The same set of principle can apply to a female chart when the DM is surrounded by both the Spouse & Lover Deities, such as :-

庚 乙 辛 X Female
X  酉 X X

Like male, this represents weak in resisting temptations and prone to divorce & remarriage.

Happy 2010

Welcome ~ Year 2010

May the year 2010 brings you :

- more money.....
- more loves....
- more wealth....
- more health....
- better results....
- better promotion & prospect....
- better business.....
- better husband....
- better wife.... &
- best of the best!

From Guan Leong, GOH

Bazi Daily 01/01/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation:

According to Chinese Metaphysics, Fire represents brightness. Hence, in term of health, we can associate it with our eye (i.e. vision).

Therefore, if the chart is cold & is full of metal, fire would be weak in this instance. We can, therefore, deduce an individual with this bazi configuration as having poor vision and have to put on glasses.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....