Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bazi Daily – 02/11/2009

What are Yin and Yang (阴阳) ?
There are many ways to analyse a life in Chinese tradition. Most of these methods share their origins in ‘Yi Jing (易经 – The Book of Changes)’, while the fundamental theories of Yi Jing are founded on the studies of Yin and Yang.

The studies of Yin and Yang commenced a long time back in olden China and are related to the highest philosophies surrounding the beginning of the universe and the operation of all manner of life and things. Yin and Yang studies discuss that the world is made up of different materials, which are created, developed and influenced from the interactions between Yin and Yang. Ancient scholars refer to the routine rituals of Yin and Yang as ‘the law of heaven and earth’ that has profound effects on humankind.

Yang = Day, Brightness, Warmth, Movement, Male, Strength, Sturdiness
Yin = Night, Dimness, Chill, Stillness, Female, Gentleness, Fluidity

Bazi Daily – 01/11/2009

Primary Resources (正印)

Primary Resources (正印) is an element that supports the DM. A “sentimental creation” born of a creative Yin-Yang relationship, it will full-heartedly support the DM (有情之生,其力必尽生). We can interpret it as people, matters, things or places that assist, groom, protect, educate, love, care for and support the growth of the DM.

To the DM, Primary Resources is like his great, kindly mother who unreservedly cares for her offspring. We can further our understanding of this benign and kindly Deity through inference to a mother’s mentality.

Notice : Failure to Access Internet Service

Due to unknown technical problems to my home computer, I am unable to access to the Internet Service temporarily. This may disrupt the posting of Bazi Daily :-(

In view of the above & to avoid unnecessary disruption, I shall be posting a number of postings to ensure its continuity.

Enjoy reading :-)

Bazi Daily - 31/10/2009

The Concept of Proximity

Bazi can be deemed as one of the most powerful tools in ‘decoding human behaviors and its relationship with others’.

The nearer (or the closer) the person(s) that is/are with us, the stronger the impact / influence the person(s) can be on us.

We can apply the same analogy to the position of various stems & branches to the DM. The nearer the stem/branch to the DM, the greater the impact this stem/branch can have over the DM.

Bazi Daily – 30/10/2009

Combinations & Clashes
Part 05

I have covered the 1st condition (i.e. the combining elements have to be adjacent) & shall, now, proceed with the 2nd condition.

2. If the combination involves the Day Master, with or without transformation, the DM will still remain its original nature.

Example :-

戊 癸  X  X
X  X  X  X

Even though the conditions are high enough to warrant the transformation between 戊 (Yang Earth) and 癸 (Yin Water), DM still remain its original identity as Water, not the newly transformed element (i.e. Fire).

Friday, October 30, 2009

Bazi Daily - 29/10/2009


Literal translation:-

Earth will get polluted (muddy & unclear) with the presence of strong water. If the Resource Deity (connotes thinking) happened to be the Earth, it is possible that the DM is 'dirty minded' :-)

Tip contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

An Open Invitation - Contribution of Articles

Contribution of Articles - An Open Invitation

There is a saying :- To Teach & to Share is to Learn Twice!

I would like invite those that are interested in sharing the knowledge & experiences (of course, have to be related to bazi) to write to me at

If it is applicable & is beneficial to our learning, I would like post it up to this blog as a form of sharing.

Of course, I would do some moderation & add on (if any) some of my personal comment(s).

Together We Learn! We Learn Together!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bazi Daily - 28/10/2009

Combinations & Clashes
Part 04

Conditions for a combination to take place :-

1. the combining elements have to be adjacent (i.e. near to each other) (cont'd)

I have shown various examples on the above (please refer to posting dated 25 Oct '09). Some may, then, ask what is the implication if the involving elements are far apart, such as :-

Example 1 :  X X 

Example 2 : X  X 

Combination connotes good relationship, approachable, close, etc. If the involving elements are close to each other (i.e. adjacent), implying the Day Master is friendly & approachable.

However, when the involving elements are so-called far apart. The Day Master may still exhibit friendliness, but is not as approachable as compared to the situation where the elements are close to each other.

Bazi Daily - 27/10/2009


Literal Translation :-

If there is TOO MUCH of unfavourable Secondary Resources (偏印) in a bazi chart, we can conclude that the individual is 'cold & heartless'. Yet, he/she can appear or behave to be very gentle & refined outwardly.

Tip contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bazi Daily - 26/10/2009


Literal Translation:-

Primary Resources (正印) can be used to represent the mother. Secondary Resources (偏印), on the other hand, can also be used to represent mother. However, the relationship between the mother and the DM is not as close as compared to the Primary Resources (正印). This is especially so when there is a lot of Secondary Resources & is unfavorable to DM.

Tip contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bazi Daily - 25/10/2009

Combinations & Clashes
Part 03

As I have mentioned (please refer to Bazi Daily - 21/10/2009), the term 'combination' consists of TWO concepts :-

1. Combination (合) ; and
2. Transformation (化).

In order for transformation to take place (i.e. change or transform to another element), there are some criteria need to be fulfilled.

First of all, it must satisfy the criteria of 'combination', as follow:-

1. the combining elements have to be adjacent (i.e. near to each other)

X X 丙 辛

X 庚 乙 X

X X 寅 亥

寅 亥 X X

Above are the situations whereby 'combination' takes place. Still, we have to evaluate other criterion before we can conclude whether the transformation will or will not take place.

Below are the situations whereby 'combination' (the first most important criteria in determining the transformation) does not take place. If this is the case, no further evaluation is needed as transformation will "NEVER" take place when the involving elements are being separated.

 X X 

X  X 

In the coming postings, I shall continue with the remaining criteria on combination.

Written & Copyrighted Goh Guan Leong, Singapore

Friday, October 23, 2009

Bazi Daily - 24/10/2009


Literal translation :-

Secondary Resource Deity conquers the output (representing offspring). Hence, when there is a strong presence of Secondary Resource (especially in the female chart), it connotes poor relationship between the DM and her children.

Tip contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bazi Daily - 23/10/2009

I've mentioned in my previous posting that there are TWO (2) different types of Chart Patterns, namely Common Chart Pattern (普通格局) & Special Chart Pattern (特别格局).

Below are the more detailed categorizations :

Under Common Chart Pattern (普通格局)
  1. Implicit Talent Chart Style (食神格)
  2. Explicit Talent Chart Style (伤官格)
  3. Conventional Wealth Chart Style (正财格)
  4. Unconventional Wealth Chart Style (偏财格)
  5. Proper Authority Chart Style (正官格)
  6. Imposing Authority Chart Style (七杀格)
  7. Primary Resources Chart Style (正印格)
  8. Secondary Resources Chart Style (偏印格)

Under Special Chart Pattern (特别格局)

A. Amiable Chart Style (建禄格)

B. Aggressive Chart Style (羊刃格)

C. Passive Chart Style (从格)

  1. Wealth Submissive Chart Style (从财格)
  2. Authority Submissive Chart Style (从杀格)
  3. Output Submissive Chart Style (从儿格)

D. Domineering Chart Style (专旺格)

  1. Metal Domineering Chart Style (从革格)
  2. Water Domineering Chart Style (润下格)
  3. Wood Domineering Chart Style (曲直格)
  4. Fire Domineering Chart Style (炎上格)
  5. Earth Domineering Chart Style (稼穑格)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bazi Daily - 22/10/2009

More often than not, students in my classes raise doubts on the issue of Chart Pattern (格局). I, however, do not encourage beginners to place heavy emphasis on the said subject without gaining sufficient exposure and practical experiences.

I would, in this article, give a brief introduction to the fundamental concepts of the Chart Pattern.

What is a Chart Pattern (格局)?

The eight characters of four pillars may be a simple configuration but it can spin off over five hundred thousand combinations. For ease of analysis, ancestors had categorised them into various chart patterns according to their characteristics and prevailing elements.

A chart pattern illustrates the principal feature of a set of eight characters. The precise and accurate recognition of this main feature can accelerate the comprehension of the four-pillar chart.

Chart patterns are divided into 2 general groups :-

the Common Chart Pattern (普通格局) ; and
the Special Chart Pattern (特别格局).

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bazi Daily - 21/10/2009

Combinations & Clashes
Part 02

Below are more information on various types of combinations:-

1. Tri-Combinations (三合)

2. Seasonal Combinations

Bazi Daily - 20/10/2009


Literal Translation :-

According to the theory of 10 Deities, Wealth Star gives birth to Proper Authority (representing husband) & Imposing Authority (representing boy friend). This form of 'creation' relationship symbolizes love, cares given to the husband and/or boy friend(s).

The energy of Competitive Deity (劫财) & Amiable Deity (比肩) are capable of weakening Wealth Star (i.e. the love & cares). Hence, a female chart that is strong in both Competitive Deity & Amiable Deity is the person that can be very demanding &, at times, unresonable towards her husband & boy friends.

Tip contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bazi Daily - 19/10/2009

Combinations & Clashes
(Part 01)

A lot of bazi enthusiasts show keen interests in finding out more about the subject of combinations & clashes. As long as time permit, I shall share with you some of my understanding on the said subject.

Combination & Transformation (合化)

According to the theory of combinations, the term combination consists of TWO (2) different and, yet, inter-related concepts :-

1. Combination () - involves at least 2 or (at most) 3 variables (i.e. stems or branches) ; &

2. Transformation () - refers to whether or not the emergence of newly resulted element

Below are various types of Combinations for Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches:-

Five Combinations of Heavenly Stems (天干五合)

Six Unions of Earthly Branches (地支六合)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bazi Daily - 18/10/2009

Have you ever wonder why 2 different individuals having the same luck cycle (for instance, both in the cycle of Competitive Deity luck 比劫运), yet their lucks can be extremely different?

One can be at their peak & other facing the cruelty of bankruptcy.

Yes, the answer lies on the fact that whether the Competitive Deity (in this instance) is favourable or unfavorable to the DM.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Bazi Daily - 17/10/2009


Literal translation:-

食神 has been translated as Implicit Talent (in my book). The Chinese character '食' , however, also refers to food & eating. Accordingly, if Implicit Talent (食神) appears in the bazi chart, we can conclude that he/she enjoys good foods & can be very selective. This is especially true when there is a presence of Resource star to control the energy of Implicit Talent.

Tip contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert

Bazi Daily - 16/10/2009

Incomplete Bazi .... Complete Story

Students used to complain that bazi contains too little information for analysis. Indeed, it is extremely difficult for any 'untrained' person to decipher a person's destiny based on 8 simple & yet complex Chinese characters. Accordingly, there claimed that bazi is over simplified.

However, they have overlooked the fact that one of the essences of Yi Jing (易经) is 'SIMPLICITY' (简易).

Read a bazi chart for a lady today during a Qi Gong practise session. Though she had learned bazi for quite sometimes, but is unable to recall her full bazi chart :-(

Below is the information that she could furnished:-

Female chart (坤造) :-

X  丁  X  庚
寅  X  寅  戌  

What 'story' can you tell from her chart?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bazi Daily - 15/10/2009

Combinations & Personality

Too often, I observe that many bazi enthusiasts place unnecessary emphasis over the effect of combinations such as will the transformation (化) take place, what is the resulted element ....

For sure, combinations (& clashes) is one of the major subjects in the science (& art) of bazi. But, instead of placing much of our attention on transformation & the likes, we can view it from other perspective as well, such as below:-


Literal translation :-

What is the implication where there is quite a numbers of combinations in the bazi chart?

It connotes indecisiveness.

My Son is Painfully Shy ...

My son is painfully shy
By Dr. Noel Swanson

A reader writes:

"My 7 year old son suffers with extreme shyness, in fact he will hardly talk to anyone outside of the family. What can I do to encourage him?"

Although some children are, by nature, slow to warm up, that does not mean that they cannot overcome their fears and anxieties.

The trick is to start from where they are at, and build from success to with easy ones and then build up. For example, going to the movies with a friend is dead easy - they sit in the dark and don't have to talk to each other at all! Yet they can have fun together.

Start with familiar structured activities with few people. As he gains confidence in being and interacting with people, then set up more challenging situations. Always set them at a level at which he will succeed, and quit while it is going well! Then everyone will want to do it again.

Build the social encounters around the activities he enjoys. If it is computer games, then have some friends around (one at first, then more) to play games with him, and talk aboutthe games they are playing.When you visit adults, you can lead the conversation by telling of your son's latest exploits on his computer game. Allow him to correct you on details, or to fill in on the intricacies of beating the Bad Boss on level 4.

You could prime the adults with suggestions about what to talk about.If he won't respond, don't make excuses for him and never force him to talk. Let him talk, or not talk, as he chooses, and then live with the consequences of his choice. However, you will have more success in getting him to talk if you draw him into conversations with open ended questions such as "How did Mario get lost in the Mansion in the first place?". Avoid putting him on the spot with closed questions that demand a one word answer, or that are about subjects he dislikes or finds difficult.Gradually, your son will develop confidence in talking and being with people. He will then be able to take more risks by talking about less familiar subjects.

In short - if talking becomes fun, he will do more of it. If it is difficult or embarrassing, he will do less.Finally, don't call him "shy". The more he hears you say this, the more convinced he will be that that is just how he is and that he cannot change. In time he might even use this as an excuse: "I can't do that - I'm too shy!" Instead, emphasise his positive qualities - his gentleness, kindness, politeness, etc.It may all take some time, but if you keep it all positive and affirming, he should get there.

Source :

Dr. Noel Swanson, Consultant Child Psychiatrist and author of "The GOOD CHILD Guide". Website: This article is copyright, 2007. You are encouraged, however, to freely copy it provided this signature block is included without modification

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Hidden Meaning of 'Burial/Grave'

Student called to ask about the term 'Grave (墓)' (also known as Burial) that was being mentioned in the Bazi Daily (dated 14/10/2009).

The term Grave / Burial (can be used interchangeably) sounds so negative that it seems to associate with life & death of the Day Master. Without doubt, the enquirer's bazi chart do carry a number of Burial.

Burial is nothing more than one of the stages in 12 Natural Stages of Heavenly Stems (天干十二长生) which is being used to assess the relative strength of the DM (as well as Heavenly Stems) in relation to the Earthly Branches.

Literally, what does the word 'Burial / Grave' refer to?

Yes, it means retract, man / object is buried in the coffin, unclear, hidden, not obvious ......

Needless to say, the supporting strength of Burial / Grave to DM is minimal.

Other than approaching it from the perspective of assessing the relative strength, we can also enhance our understanding by expanding the literal meaning of the word 'Burial / Grave'.

Comments on the above are most welcomed!

Bazi Daily - 14/10/2009

印星代表包涵、宽容、忍耐。。。 若印弱而入墓者,则为人气量小。

Literal translation :-

The Deity of Resource connotes tolerant, patient, accommodating.....

However, when the energy is weak and, at the same time, 'entered into the Grave stage' (ie hidden underneath), he/she can be petty.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bazi Daily - 13/10/2009


Literal Translation:

(Note : The above tip applies to Female only)

Should there be a strong presence of Implicit & Explicit Talents in the bazi chart (or the prevailing luck cycle is in Implicit & Explicit Talents luck), we can confidently conclude that the DM is opinionated, having high demand towards her boyfriend & husband.

Tip contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bazi Daily - 12/10/2009


Literal Translation :

Guess who is, potentially, the Mr or Miss Hairy?

The answer is 'WOOD'!

Tip contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bazi Daily - 11/10/2009


Guess who (ie which element) has the tendency to be late for appointments?

Yes, it is the one with strong Earth element :-)

Tip contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Yin & Yang of Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches

We all have heard the concepts of Yin & Yang, representing two different polarities. Do you, however, notice that Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches has its own yin & yang as well?

Yes, you’re right! Heavenly Stem refers to the Yang, whilst Earthly Branch representing Yin.

So, what is the significance of knowing the differences in its polarities?

To put it in the simplest form, Heavenly Stem represents the outer appearance of the Day Master. It is the image that the Day Master intends to project to the external world, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Earthly branch, on the other hand, represents the inner most thought / intention of the Day Master. If not being revealed by the Day Master himself / herself, we would never know.

This is human nature …. our Outer Self & our Inner Self …. this is Yin & Yang …

Bazi Daily - 10/10/2009


Literal translation :

To tell whether a person prefers staying at home or not, we have to examine the root of the Day Master.

Generally speaking, if it is not rooted (ie there is no supportive energy from the earthly branches to the Day Master), the person seldom stay at home or won't stay home for too long.

Contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bazi Daily - 09/10/2009

Here is another tip contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert :-


Literal Translation :

There are so many things hidden underneath the mother Earth. Hence, a strong Earth person has the tendency of being thinking too much (& unnecessarily) as compared to Day Master represented some other elements.

In the event the energy of Earth is too strong & is unwanted by the Day Master (ie unfavorable), the person can be stubborn & inflexible.

Great News - The commencement of 'Bazi Daily'

Spoken to TH Teo (also an expert in the field of metaphysics, though he humbly addressed himself as an apprentice) recently on how to further advance our study on the subject of metaphyscis.

Both agreed that sharing of information is definitely one of the best ways to expedite and deepen our learning curve. 1 + 1 is definitely greater than 2!

We both agreed to sms at least ONE interesting & useful tip(s) each day to each other (think I better control my telephone bill ;-p).

We would also like to extend our sharing of the tips with the viewers of this blog from today onwards :-


We can associate 'coldness' as one of the main characteristics of the water. Hence, if the chart is cold (such as born in the winter season and without sign of fire), we can conclude that the person is as cold as an ice.

Believe it or not? You will know until you try it!

Classical Ways of Viewing & Assessing Wealth

Generally speaking, most of us view the term ‘wealth’ as material objects that is touchable & visible, such dollars & cents, car, jewelry, ...

However, personally, I do feel that wealth encompasses more than just economic wealth alone. Others, such as relational wealth (how well we connect with others), health, family ties,… should aslo be included as well when assessing a person’s wealth level.

Different person holds different point of views. I wonder is there any difference as in how our ancestors view & assess wealth?

According to one of the most important bazi classics ‘Di Tian Sui’(滴天髓), it was stated that :-


Literal translation : To assess whether a person is wealthy [from his/her bazi chart] is to assess whether the energy of the Wealth Star (财星) is situated in the doorstep [or position]

That was ancient ways of recording the so-called ‘secrets recipe’ (秘笈), you won’t be able to get the full picture unless & until it was explained by the master itself. This resulted in many different versions of interpretations which, sometimes, can be contradictory.

Personally, I do believe that the phrase ‘财气通门户’ refers to where the energy of Wealth Star (财星) is moderately strong & is the favorable element to the Day Master of the chart.

I also observe the fact that quite a substantial numbers of successful businessmen & businesswomen with a favorable Wealth Star (财星) situated in their Month Branch (also known as 月令). I believe this to be the ‘door step (门户)’ as mentioned above.

What do you think?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Obstacle .... the blessing in disguise

Human nature are such that we’re all afraid of and, hence, avoidance of unknowns. We are, however, also fascinated by such uncertainties. The exploration of the unknowns brings excitements as well as advancements in mankind.

It is, however, regret to observe that only minority of those that possess the aptitude and the perseverance is the ones that made it to the mountain top. Majority of us give up in the face of obstacles….

A lot of us are, seemingly, keen in learning & mastering the new skills such as bazi & musical instrument, it is also true that a lot of us ‘alighting’ the journey of learning without reaching the final destination.

If you are one of those,
do not be disheartened by the outcome of your attempts. Remember this: with every breakdown comes a breakthrough. It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Truth about Wealth & Adversity

Meaningful.... touching....

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant;
if we did not sometimes tastes of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.

We cannot seek or attain health, wealth, learning, justice or kindness in general. Action is always specific, concrete, individualized and unique.

Can I be the world's richest man or woman?

Materials and economic wealth are what keep us moving & excel. Some are born with silver spoon whilst majority others have to work hard for it. Of course, some successfully attained & achieved what they want in life, but others live with much regret.

Is there any way whereby we can tell whether a person is born with silver spoon from his/her bazi chart? The answer is, of course, affirmative. Below are some of the ways to ascertain the wealth of individuals:-

If it is a
Special Chart Pattern (特别格局)

- Wealth Submissive Chart Style (从财格) ; or
- Output Submissive Chart Style (从儿格)

If it is a
Normal Chart Pattern (普通格局)

- the energy of the Day Master is moderate or slighter stronger than average; &
- the Wealth Star is favorable to the Day Master; &
- the energy of the Wealth Star is moderately strongly

(preferably appear in both Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches); &

Of course, we need to take into considerations the
impact of the Luck Cycle to the innate Bazi Chart with particular emphasis of the age range in-between 30 to 60.

Why is that so? Because this age range is considered as “Golden Period” whereby we are still young and energetic in generating & accumulating our wealth.

Are you the next Bill Gates ? Warren Buffet ?

Written & Copyrighted by Guan Leong, GOH

Monday, October 5, 2009

Essence of the 10 Deities

For those that is still new to the concepts of 10 Deities, below summaries definitely provide lights to your understanding :-

1. Primary Resource (正印 - Zheng Yin) = Benevolent and kind-hearted
2. Secondary Resource (偏印 - Pian Yin) = Sublime and Solitary
3. Amiable Deity (比肩 - Bi Jian) = Independent and Robust
4. Competitive Deity (劫财 - Jie Cai) = Obstinate and Impulsive
5. Implicit Talent (食神 - Shi Shen) = Relaxed and Gentle
6. Explicit Talent (伤官 - Shang Guan) = Dynamic and Headstrong
7. Conventional Wealth (正财 - Zheng Cai) = Industrious & Thrifty, Realistic
8. Unconventional Wealth (偏财 - Pian Cai) = Generous, Forthright
9. Proper Authority (正官 - Zheng Guan) = Aboveboard, Conservative
10. Imposing Authority (偏官/七杀 - Pian Guan/Qi Sha) = Authoritative, Extremist

Like Father, Like Son

There is nothing we like to see so much as the gleam of pleasure in a person's eye when he feels that we understood him. At these moments something fine and spiritual passes between two persona. These are the moments worth living.

What is 10 Deities (十神)?

10 Deities? Does it refer to 10 different gods/deities? If yes, who are they?

If no, what the earth is 10 deities?

Definitely, 10 deities does not refer to deity or god. It is, in fact, the 10 relationships that the Day Master (日元 ie, the owner of the bazi chart) with the individual 10 Heavenly Stems (十天干).

Simply put it, 10 deities are the 10 names assigned to such 10 relationships.

I supposed our ancestor used the term 'deities' to enhance its credibility.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Conflict - Avoidance vs Resolution

Everybody runs from conflict as it makes us feel bad. We try our very best to avoid it, hoping that it will somehow resolve itself. However, you may be disappointed to find out that it never does.

If we were to view it from another point of view, 'conflict is nothing more than an opportunity for greater growth and a deeper personal connection'. Every conflict carries within it a chance for you to learn a powerful lesson and to grow as a human being.

So, don't run from conflict. Don't send the email when you know you need to speak some truth face to face. Leadership is about balancing compassion with courage. And though it can feel so messy, in truth it's a gift.

Embrace it. Relish the potential it carries.

Celebrate it. It can serve you so well.

Extracted from : The Greatness Guide by Robin Sharma

Personality of Imposing Authority (七杀) - Part II

By now, we should have a better understanding of personality traits of the individual with Imposing Authority (七杀) in the bazi chart.

If the Imposing Authority is favourable to Day Master, we can conclude that he/she is a born leader, a pioneer or a crusader. He/she is the person that can get things done, either by himself or as a group leader.

They are bold and adventurous. More importantly, they can mobilize people to solve a problem, confront an enemy, or achieve a goal.

However, when the energy of Imposing Authority is too strong and is unfavourable to the bazi chart, below is also true :-

- Be blunt to the point of being rude.
- Be hypercritical, demanding, and short-tempered.
- Make rash and reckless decisions.
- Explode when don't get his way.

At the very worst, he/she can be a bully, a loud mouth, or even a tyrant.

Do you have friends / colleagues / bosses that exhibit the above-mentioned personality trait?

Written & Copyrighted by Guan Leong, GOH

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Personality of Imposing Authority (七杀)

Bazi is an art of describing individuals personality traits. Any well-trained bazi practitioners can either use 10 heavenly stems and/or 10 deities in deducing it with nearly prefect accuracy.

Today, I am going to share with you some of the personality traits of the individuals where there is a strong presence of Imposing Authority (ie 七杀 or 偏官) energy in the bazi chart.

If the individual is an 'Imposing Authority' personality type, he/she is concerned about RESULTS. He/she shall, then, exhibit below-mentioned behaviours knowingly or unknowingly :-

- enjoy solving problems, getting things done, and achieving goals
- want to be in charge & dislike being told what to do
- set high standards for performance
- enjoy challenges and competition
- willing to take risks, challenge the status quo, and break the rules
- make decisions quickly
- impatient with people who "waste time" by talking or planning
- don't mind telling people they're wrong and can be very blunt at times
- bore easily
- get angry quickly (and you get over it quickly)

Written & Copyrighted by Guan Leong, GOH

Friday, October 2, 2009

Migration, unstopped traveling…. are you the one?

With the fast pace of economic development & technological advancement, human beings become more & more mobile. We move from places to places, countries to countries for many reasons such as traveling, work, studies…. Or even migrate to other countries.

Being one of the most powerful ancient metaphysical tools, can the bazi chart reveal and decode such ‘mobility’ (in the modern context)?

From my practical experiences over the years, the answer is definitely AFFIRMATIVE. Below are some of the pointers for your considerations :-

- The presence of severe clashes within the bazi chart, especially the clashes that involve month branch (月令);
- The presence of Traveling Horse (驿马) within the bazi chart;
- If the chart is an Unconventional Wealth Chart Style (偏财格) or the energy of Unconventional Wealth (偏财) is stronger than the energy of the Conventional Wealth (正财);
- Day Master is not rooted (that is there is no supporting energy in the earthly branches)

The list can goes on & on if you commit some of your times & efforts in exploring the underlying theory….

Written & Copyrighted by Master Goh Guan Leong

Heavenly Stems Vs Earthly Branches

We all know below fundamental components / variables make up a bazi chart :-

Heavenly Stems =

Yang & Yin Wood (甲,乙木) ;
Yang & Yin Fire (丙,丁火) ;
Yang & Yin Earth (戊,己土) ;
Yang & Yin Metal (庚,辛金) ; &
Yang & Yin Water (壬,癸水).

Earthly Branches =

Yang & Yin Wood (寅,卯木)
Yang & Yin Fire (巳,午火)
Yang & Yin Earth (辰,戌,丑,未土)
Yang & Yin Metal (申,酉金)
Yang & Yin Water (壬,癸水)

Each of the Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches has its own representational element.

Other than the elemental differences, one more distinct feature that we tend to overlook and neglect :(

Want to make a guess ?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

What is Spouse Star? - Bazi’s way of looking at marriages

I brought up the concept of Spouse Star without any further elaboration in the previous blog. You may be wondering what is Spourse Star and what constitute that star?

To put it simply, in the language of bazi, Spouse Star refers to our spouse (husband or wife).

Elementally, for a Male Chart (乾造), the element that is controlled (克) by the Day Master (日元) is deemed to be the Spouse Star (also known as Wealth Star 财星).

Example : Male Chart (乾造)

Day Master (日元) = 甲木 (Yang Wood)
Spouse Star (财星) = 己土 (Yin Earth)

The Spouse Star for the female chart (坤造) is the element that controlled the Day Master. It is known as 'Proper Authority' (正官).

Example : Female Chart (坤造)

Day Master (日元) = 辛金 (Yin Metal)
Spouse Star (正官) = 丙火 (Yang Fire)

Before You Say “I Do” – Bazi’s way of looking at marriages

What is Love?

Though I am a free – thinker, but I do agree full-heartedly with what is stated in the Bible (I Corinthians 13:4-8):

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.

Marriage, on the other hand, is:

- Living with another person in an intimate manner.
- Being attentive to and caring for another person’s needs.
- Contributing to and helping in the making of a more fulfilling life.
- Sharing the responsibilities and sacrifices involved in establishing a family.

When a marriage works, it can be a satisfying and fulfilling aspect of adult life.

But being in love and wanting a successful marriage are just not enough. Couples will have to discuss and make joint decision on issues like:

- Accommodation: where and with whom will you live?
- Household responsibilities: how will these chores be managed?
- Finances and expenditures: how do you make decisions together?
- In-laws: how do you adjust to each other’s families?
- Children: when to start a family and how to raise children?

All these and more are what it takes to really share your life with someone in a meaningful way, for… Marriage is a commitment to another person.

I fully know you truly love your chosen partner and want to be part of that person’s life. I also understand that you are fully prepared to make a lifelong commitment with someone you care very much for.

But, how well do you know the person you intend to marry? Furthermore, people do change and so will you and your partner. The romantic love the couples bring into marriage may diminish through the years and the depth of the feelings of love may also change. How prepared are you for the changes that will come?

My apology if the above sounds pessimistic, though it is the fact of life.

The good news is that, through the analysis of bazi chart systematically, we are able to tell the personality of your spouse, his / her relationship with your parents, children as well as the relationship with you.

The question is, then, ‘how can we decode it from our bazi chart’?

As a guide, you may want to look at : -

- the favorability of the element in the spouse palace (ie the Day Branch); &
- the favorability of
spouse star

More guidelines ….

- If both are favourable, the marriages would be blissful;
- If both are unfavourable, the marriages would be challenging;
- If there is a presence of clashes, the marriages might be unstable;
- If the combination takes place, further examine to the resultant element is needed before drawing any conclusion.

Before I end the session, it is interesting to find out Albert Einstein’s philosophy of ‘LOVE’ from one of his most famous quotes:-

Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.

Similarly, I would like to state that

The presence of so-called ‘negative energy’ in the bazi chart is not responsible for an unhappy ending of any relationship and marriages.

Why is that so?

The following statement by Barbara De Angelis summed up everything perfectly :-

If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself.

Real love is more than a feeling.
Real love is a commitment by both parties in the relationship

Do not let your marriage fail.
Keep the passion burning.

Essentials of Four Pillars Of Destiny - By Master Goh Guan Leong

If you are keen in finding more about the art & science of Four Pillars of Destiny, you may find below books (written in both Chinese & English) useful. Of course, being the author of the books, I would be delighted in answering to your questions pertaining to the books :-)

The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand. And in life, we have to accept the fact that 'Knowledge will forever govern ignorance'. Make the right choice !

What is Bazi ?

Today (1st October 2009) marks the commencement of the month Oct 2009. It is also the Children Day. This common date is derived from the western calendar (阳历), which is also known as the Gregorian calendar.

Another widely used system is the Yin calendar otherwise referred to as the lunar calendar (农历). From the perspective of lunar calendar, today is 13th of the eighth lunar month in 2009.

Do you know that besides these calendars, there is also another system of organizing time, which is the ‘solar calendar(节气历)?

The solar calendar is adopted to work out and arrange the birth particulars into a set of Eight Characters (as showed below):-

Hr Day Mth Yr

壬 己 癸 己 Heavenly Stems
申 卯 酉 丑 Earthly Branches

Solar calendar records time based on the ‘heavenly stems’ and ‘earthly branches’. Year, month, day & hour are each assigned a ‘heavenly stem’ and an ‘earthly branch’.

Four Pillars (四柱)related to the ‘year pillar (年柱)’, the ‘month pillar (月柱)’, the ‘day pillar (日柱)’ and the ‘hour pillar (时柱)’. Every pillar is formed from a heavenly stems and earthly branches, which give forth to the Eight Characters (八字).

IN SHORT, Bazi (also known as Eight Characters, Four Pillars of Destiny) refers to a system of recording the date and hour based on Solar Calendar. It is used to investigate and predict your destiny, personality, health status, academic performance, love life and marriage of an individual.

Have you ever wonder how your bazi look like?

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....